Capturing Canon .m2t with clip fragment issue

Cheno wrote on 1/28/2008, 4:47 PM
I know this has been discussed until the cows come home but I finally had this happen today while capturing footage using a Canon XHA1 and Vegas 8b. It's the first time Vegas 8 has allowed me to capture and by accident, I didn't use Vegas 7 to capture like I normally do.

I ended up with the multiple clip issue and during capture, the playback from the camera stuttered like crazy.

Vegas 7 captures with no issue.

I thought this may be related to the M-Audio firewire Solo I hooked up to do some VO's today as it doesn't seem to like PC side of my MacPro. No issues in Vegas 7 though with the M-Audio hooked up while capturing.

I'm not sure how much troubleshooting has been done, but then again, I'm beating a dead horse to a point. Just wanted to point out after 2 clean installs of Vegas 8, this is the first time since last year, I've been able to capture anything from a Canon to Vegas 8.

Food for thought, anyway.



deusx wrote on 1/28/2008, 9:39 PM
What more can we add.

I have never had any problems whatsoever with any canon files, captured or given by other people.
Can capture directly with Vegas capture, no issues whatsoever.
All versions of Vegas8 worked fine

Others have problems, in your case you are using Vegas on a mac. They can't even get their own software to run properly, so all bets are off in that case. Just because it can sort of run windows, doesn't mean it will work like a real pc in all situations.

FCP only runs on mac/OSX, AVID only runs on XY hardware with YZ sound card, and XXY video card that has to be installed on second tuesday of the month.

On the other hand everybody expects to be able to install Vegas on any kind of a frankenstein machine and work flawlessly. I think we are asking a bit too much sometimes, then complain when things don't work.