
GaryKleiner wrote on 9/13/2003, 10:20 AM
>anyway to do this easy as pie...? <

Yes, bake your chromakey at 400 degreesF for 60 minutes :-)

ClipMan wrote on 9/13/2003, 10:47 AM
...OK, what's the hard way...?
FadeToBlack wrote on 9/13/2003, 3:24 PM
BillyBoy wrote on 9/13/2003, 3:53 PM
Ya right sure...

There is no easy way in Vegas IF what you want to do is have shadows follow OBJECTS within videos. The method offered only applies a shadow to the entire vid, hardly of much use, expect perhaps for text.

You could mess around with masks, and I suppose if you had time to burn make something in Photoshop, but to apply and track it so it looked real would be difficult. Enter Boris Red. You got $800 to invest?
Former user wrote on 9/13/2003, 4:05 PM
The Track Motion shadow will create a shadow on the Video that is not keyed out, not the whole track. This works the same with Type.

If you have action, say a person if front of a green screen, the shadow will follow his action.

Dave T2
Former user wrote on 9/13/2003, 4:06 PM
You do need your chroma key on its own track so you don't create a shadow where you don't want one.

Dave T2
ClipMan wrote on 9/13/2003, 4:58 PM usual, great input from the forum...thanks, people...BillyBoy asks if I got 800 bucks laying around.....sure, I finally got paid for my work doing the Gollum sequence for Peter Jackson on Lord of the Rings... :-) to all of you...
FadeToBlack wrote on 9/14/2003, 12:16 AM
Udi wrote on 9/14/2003, 12:40 AM
You can duplicate the chroma keyed track. in the lower one - change the color to black (using level on the alpha), move it (using track motion) and reduce opacity.

Udi wrote on 9/14/2003, 12:42 AM
BTW. I found that you can use the secondary color corrector for chroma key with more control. You have much more control on the hue saturation and lum. and after you set the mask, just set the alpha to 0.
