CD Architect & iZotope plugins - hard crash

Blue Bear Sound wrote on 11/12/2012, 1:17 PM
Trying to use the RX2 plugins in CD Architect... they work, EXCEPT if you try to move the cursor while the file is playing, which results in an instant hard crash.

It would be nice if this program was refreshed and brought into the 21st century... the days of DirectX only are long gone.... and we need DDP support, along with more comprehensive error code support.


Geoff_Wood wrote on 11/12/2012, 1:26 PM
A CD authoring program is not the ideal place to be doing NR. I'd do it separately in SF. But that's a side-issue.

The problem is most likely the large CPU load of Izo-RX, especially if multiple instances, as due to another unfortunate design aspect of CDA, all plugins simultaneously are processing flat out ALL on all events (and Master) all the time (during preview and render) !

Agree wrt Direct-X . So that's two things that require urgent attention (ha !). Then there's DDP....

Maybe they could get this attended to before getting distracted by more things like iSF .....
