Why is this? Version 3 had no problems with any of my plug ins... Version 4 seems to crash whenever I use accoustic mirror and the Wave LinEQ line of plug ins. Anyone else having these problems?
I'm using Waves LinEQ, varioous other waves plugs (mostly renaissance) on a few tracks in all of my projects, and it's running perfectly. I don't use acoustic mirror however.
yes, accustic mirror does not work with 4.0, as stated in the PDF manual(troubleshooting). Nor can i run waves compressors anymore.
what a freakin' shame.
just installed waves pluggins last week and vegas (3.0)has been freezing up about ever 10 minutes. i have to ctr, alt, del about 5 times before i am even told vegas isnt responding. (as if i havent figured it out already) could it maybe be a DX issue?
How about Waves 3.5 and/or 3.6 with Vegas 4? Any reports, problems? Waves 4 is a paid upgrade (for me) and doesn't look like it offers any real benefits where I'm concerned. I'm not into upgrading all these plugs just so I can use Vegas 4.
We tested accross the board with the Waves plugs. There is a HUGE benifit in the 4.0 release - performance. They are optimized out the ying yang compared to the previous versions. The automation support is also improved.
Anyway, the Waves stuff should just work. If anybody runs into specific problems, let us know (not here if it is a serious problem as it may go un-noticed.) Let our tech support know and Waves tech support.