Changing tempo of drum loop. theron3 wrote on 7/9/2001, 4:31 PM I've worked some with Acid Music 2.0. Does Vegas audio have the same capacity to stretch a loop so you've more flexiblity with tempo? Back to post
Comments Ted_H wrote on 7/10/2001, 11:09 AM Yes, it does. It is exactly the same, if not a little better. Ted theron3 wrote on 7/10/2001, 11:31 PM That's encouraging. The layout is confusing me. Where do I access the stretch. I can't find it in the online book. SonyEPM wrote on 7/11/2001, 8:50 AM Control drag the event edge to stretch/squash, then right click the event to change the pitching properties (if needed). theron3 wrote on 7/11/2001, 9:50 AM Thank you very much. So simple. 1