Chroma Keyer Eyedropper

marvin-bush wrote on 2/1/2023, 5:09 PM

When using multiple monitors, I have never been able to sample colors from the desired screen and object using the eyedropper in the chroma keyer. Is there a way to do this? I haven't tried working with the Vegas chroma keyer in a while, but I think it worked for me when I had only one monitor configured in the system.

If anyone has some helpful information to share, it will be greatly appreciated.

Marvin Bush


harry-worth wrote on 2/2/2023, 2:43 AM

HI, just made a very quick hand held video to show you can sample from other screens

Apologies for the shaking :)

marvin-bush wrote on 2/2/2023, 7:59 PM


Thanks harry-worth, the steps in the video are the same as the ones I've been using without getting the desired sample. I decided to take the system down to the base monitor and add the monitors back one by one. After restarting the computer three times, I was finally able to get a sample from the chosen screen location. I shutdown and connected the second monitor and restarted the computer. In the process of checking the display configuration, I noticed that the 'Scale and Layout' for the monitor was set to the recommended 150% and the base monitor was set for 100%. I changed the setting to 100% on all the monitors and that appears to have solved my problem. It had always seamed that the eyedropper wasn't mapped properly to the screen and now I understand why.
Thanks again for your input.
Marvin Bush

harry-worth wrote on 2/3/2023, 9:54 AM

Glad you got it sorted :)