Clean up video conference audio for one participant - artifacts

dsteinschneider wrote on 1/5/2021, 10:45 AM

I have one participant in a video conference (we recorded to convert into a presentation) who's audio has underlying artifacts. His voice is ok but there are something akin to modem noise underneath that comes and goes. What tool free or paid would be good to analyze and remove the noise? It's not hum or air conditioning. I think it's digital echo that's not quite successfully supressed by the GoToMeeting software.


rraud wrote on 1/5/2021, 12:53 PM

Without actually hearing it, recommending a tool or process would not be prudent. Can you upload a sample file to DropBox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive or other file sharing site? That said, anything other than din type noise, clicks, pops, static and such, usually requires a costly tool like iZ's RX (standard or advanced) or Steinberg's SpectraLayers.

FWIW, the Sound Forge Pro 14 Suite includes SpectraLayers Pro, RX Elements and the legacy NR-2.0 restoration plug-in.

dsteinschneider wrote on 1/5/2021, 3:42 PM

Thanks for offerting to listen

I suspect they might want to re-do the presentation after getting a better mic

I downloaded the trial Izotope RX standard - the wizard didn't help with this problem but perhaps it can clean it up via manual settings?

Here is the sample:

dsteinschneider wrote on 1/6/2021, 3:53 PM

I bumped up the noise gate floor which helped eliminate noise between the words.

Teagan wrote on 1/9/2021, 5:56 PM

I'd try Audacity's noise reduction feature in Effects > Noise Reduction.

Audacity is free.