First let me say it looks VERY nice, great video, dialog, music, cutting.
If you've already submitted it for the competition then just disregard this comment, but I'd say cut from 0:15 to 0:19. The camera on the people sitting for those few seconds is just a little too long. And I realize that is easier said than done, the narration would have to be edited to make it fit, etc, so not really easy.
But seriously, it was a great job and I hope you win!!
(hey, it's just easy to judge after all the hard work has been done, so don't take the comment the wrong way) :)
xjerx, I second all the positive comments; really nicely done! I would enjoy hearing some technical details on the lighting, and the recorded voice over.
haha! yes! Hope mac doesn't mind I'm promoting them :o)
@dibbkd - was a bit of a rush can definitely use some tightening up. I may go back and do that after the competition.
@TeeTime - I used my Arri kit (1k with chimera, 650, 300, 150 fresnels). I basically lit the main subjects with the 1k chimera, and filled in everything else with the other lights. If you want details of set up and positions I could probably remember enough to tell you. The audio was real simple. Took my canon a1 and a handheld mic into the closet at my house and recorded a few takes.
We had fun making it! It took us about a day to do...and then another half day to edit.
The restaurant scene caught my eye too. Part of the problem is that the video is about the girl who works while going to school. It's not about the couple at the table. The shot was lingering on the wrong people.
That's a minor nit. It looks great. Very nicely done.