
pauly wrote on 4/14/2000, 12:15 AM
I have a dual PII400 system, 256MG RAM, 100Mhz buss, and
dual monitors. I bought the Matrox G400 based on a
recomendation on this board(thanks Peter!) Once and for
all......what is the best configuration possible to run
Vegas and Sonic Foundry products in general? I am trying
to decide on NT4 or Win2000 as an operating system and have
heard many different opinions! What are the SF staff using
for development and testing? We should try to determine a
benchmark for this! I feel it would help a LOT if you
could just see (on a page), that system A will give you X
and system B will give you Y with SF products. I own
almost all of the products that you make and have had NO
problems at all!!! That in itself says a LOT! But what is
the OPTIMAL system to run on? Maybe show it in steps?
Level 1, 2, 3? For some cost is an issue but for others,
what is the BEST way to run SF products?




Kornkob wrote on 4/14/2000, 9:35 AM
I cannot really say what is 'best' but I can answer once of your
questions: what OS is being used for testing?

In the Quality Assurance Dept we do an array of testing, both manual
and automated, on every OS we support. NT4 with varous service
packs, w98 both flavors as well as W2000. We use a variety of
machines with different hardware configs everything from out-of-the-
box Dells to high end striping scsi systems with oodles of RAM.

What's the best? That's such a tough call. I use a p3 500 with a
G400 dually card for a fair amount of my 'relaxation testing (read:
Jason spending time making personal stuff) and am pretty happy with

As of what the developers use, I really couldn't say--- I never
really asked.

QA Engineer

paul wrote:
>>I have a dual PII400 system, 256MG RAM, 100Mhz buss, and
>>dual monitors. I bought the Matrox G400 based on a
>>recomendation on this board(thanks Peter!) Once and for
>>all......what is the best configuration possible to run
>>Vegas and Sonic Foundry products in general? I am trying
>>to decide on NT4 or Win2000 as an operating system and have
>>heard many different opinions! What are the SF staff using
>>for development and testing? We should try to determine a
>>benchmark for this! I feel it would help a LOT if you
>>could just see (on a page), that system A will give you X
>>and system B will give you Y with SF products. I own
>>almost all of the products that you make and have had NO
>>problems at all!!! That in itself says a LOT! But what is
>>the OPTIMAL system to run on? Maybe show it in steps?
>>Level 1, 2, 3? For some cost is an issue but for others,
>>what is the BEST way to run SF products?