Congratulate me! just getting started...

Roboburger wrote on 10/6/2003, 12:53 PM
I popped my head into these forums a few months back, and mentioned that I was about to jump whole hog into DAW, from being an iternmediate analog guy for all these years. I knew I was gonna make some decent cash doing some (major-label) tourguy gigging, and I figured the time was right to give the ol Visa card a workout.

And right now I am embarking on my first project. as i type this on my old 'puter, my new 'puter (not connected to the internet) is behind me cranking away, transferring eight tracks of DA-38 thru ADAT Lightpipe on my Layla into Vegas 4!

Here's my situation:

*Soundcraft 600 board (oldie butta goodie)
*Two racks full of Pres, Comps, EQs, and Processors
*the ol' Tascam 48
*the ol' Tascam DA-38
*Layla 24/96
*5 Patchbays linking it all together
*Vegas V4, Soundforge 6, Acid 4
*my new 2.4 gHz PC with 2 gigs onboard memory, Win XP, 19 inch monitor and much more!
* and this summer I scored a Sennheiser endorsement, so I just got a sweet deal on a buttload of mics

If Anybody has any configuration advice, lay it on me. Also, I've been reading a bit about ASIO drivers, yet i can't seem to find any way to get them on my unit... And I don't really understand fully what 'ASIO' means... If anyone can provide me with a link, that'd be swell.

tahnks, kids. Curt.


Arnar wrote on 10/6/2003, 1:01 PM

Havent got any Asio advice but i can tell you that you might want to buy a UAD-1 DSP card which has unbeliavable emulations of the UREI 1176 as well as the LA-2A and nice reverbs as well.
Rednroll wrote on 10/6/2003, 5:47 PM
"If Anybody has any configuration advice, lay it on me. Also, I've been reading a bit about ASIO drivers, yet i can't seem to find any way to get them on my unit... And I don't really understand fully what 'ASIO' means... If anyone can provide me with a link, that'd be swell."

Look in the drop down menu located under 'Audio Device Type'. If you want to use the ASIO driver select "Layla ASIO".

ASIO gives the least latency issues, compared to other drivers. The Layla has what they call "Purewave" mode on the Echo console. This is a good solution for latency issues and being able to run an application using the "Windows Classic Wave Driver" if you have ASIO conflict problems. Download the "Readme" file that comes with the Echo driver, and it will give further details on this subject and how to properly set everything up.