Version 17 of Movie Studio.
I don't remember a time when I didn't have crashes with this software, which is annoying to say the least. Usually while just doing simple edits, or pausing and unpausing (spacebar) or rendering/making video. With more than one different computers of mine and various versions of drivers.
The last few years where I use exclusively my desktop PC, things were not improving.
After the crashes usually the error reporting would give me a link as a solution? I don't know what as there is no explanation, with what I am pretty sure is just the setup file of the same program and version. It would be nice to also have some text saying "we believe you need to reinstall the program" or whatever, but no, just the link to the setup.
ANYWAY, the thing I did to fix the crashes, or at least work around them, is to disable my Nvidia GPU rendering Options/Prefs/Video/GPU acceleration of video processing. Turn it to off. So no longer using my GTX 1660 Super, and instead relying solely on my even older i7-5960X.
As long as I have it off, there are no crashes during playback, during editing, or during exporting. The problem of course being that it takes several more times to export any video to the point that for longer videos I take my chances and re enable GPU acceleration for the export alone. The program still crashes some times, but not so often as to accept the huge increase of time relying on the CPU alone for the export.
This obviously isn't a fix for other issues I have mentioned in the past, transitions, effects, text all slowing down the playback, but at least no crashes.
I hope this helps someone out there who has similar problems.