Contacting VEGAS Support

VEGAS_EricD wrote on 10/14/2022, 10:43 AM

Hello VEGAS Community,

If you're having trouble with your VEGAS software, you can contact us for direct support. Here's how you do it:

  1. From the web site, choose Support | Customer Support or click SUPPORT in the menu above
  2. Click the FAQ & Support button
  3. Click the name of the product you want help with
  4. Check the FAQs to see if your question is already answered
  5. If you still need help and want to start a support ticket, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Contact Support
  6. Click the SEND E-MAIL button
  7. If you are not already logged into your MAGIX account, log in now
  8. Fill the webform with your information and click the SUBMIT SUPPORT REQUEST button
  9. Check your email for a message from the tech support system with further instructions (make sure you check your spam folder)

We look forward to hearing from you.  

Kind regards,
The VEGAS Support Team.  
