Control of internal CD Player

rodod wrote on 6/30/1999, 8:47 AM
Ok here goes, I am sure that you can some how control the
CD player installed in my computer with the edit window in
vegas pro. I just can't seem to figure out how? If I want
to digitize audio from an audio cd in my computer into
vegas pro i have to have two windows runnig at the same
time which makes it kinda hard to work quickly.
Also, Is there a silence detector when digitizing a whole
cd into vegas pro? Something that will automatically mark
the end and beginnings of each song with the presence of
silence?? Thus creating seperate windows for each song?

Thanks in advance for all your help?
Robert Dodd


ChrisBo wrote on 6/30/1999, 2:19 PM
It sounds like what you're trying to do is MUCH more suited to CD-Architect. It's awefully tempting to have a "do-it-all" program, but, i can tell you from experience, that it's MUCH better to have several different programs each tweaked for their own specific application (multitrack, wave editing, CD manipulation, looping, etc.) then a single applicaiton that trys to do it all and ends up not doing much of anything well. CD-Architect will create separate sound files for each track if you like. I haven't had a lot of chance to play like this, but, I agree that things like regions, marks, and track and index marks should be preserverd and flow between all the sonic foundry programs.

My 2¢

Christopher Boyd
Pittsburgh, PA

Robert Dodd wrote:
>>Ok here goes, I am sure that you can some how control the
>>CD player installed in my computer with the edit window in
>>vegas pro. I just can't seem to figure out how? If I want
>>to digitize audio from an audio cd in my computer into
>>vegas pro i have to have two windows runnig at the same
>>time which makes it kinda hard to work quickly.
>>Also, Is there a silence detector when digitizing a whole
>>cd into vegas pro? Something that will automatically mark
>>the end and beginnings of each song with the presence of
>>silence?? Thus creating seperate windows for each song?
>>Thanks in advance for all your help?
>>Robert Dodd
pwppch wrote on 7/2/1999, 11:12 AM
No, sorry no way to do this. Honestly this is not something we ever considered or will likely in the future.

I really don't see how it would be that difficult to capture the audio playing on the CD. Start record in Vegas then start playback using your CD player app. You may get a bit of silence on the take, but this is easily edited out.

If you need to capture from a CD, then you can either "rip" the audio from the CD with out any A/D conversion using a tool like our CD Architect or you can record directly into Vegas or Sound Forge.

You will find that CD Architect and Forge have the ability to detect silence between tracks and allow you to break up a long take into multiple files.

I do recommend that you actually pull the data directly off the CD as you would not encounter any A/D changes. This way you would deal with the raw audio data that is on the CD. Perhaps having this functionality in Vegas would be a benifit and we will discuss for future versions of the software.

Peter Haller

Robert Dodd wrote:
>>Ok here goes, I am sure that you can some how control the
>>CD player installed in my computer with the edit window in
>>vegas pro. I just can't seem to figure out how? If I want
>>to digitize audio from an audio cd in my computer into
>>vegas pro i have to have two windows runnig at the same
>>time which makes it kinda hard to work quickly.
>>Also, Is there a silence detector when digitizing a whole
>>cd into vegas pro? Something that will automatically mark
>>the end and beginnings of each song with the presence of
>>silence?? Thus creating seperate windows for each song?
>>Thanks in advance for all your help?
>>Robert Dodd