
LanceL wrote on 9/26/2001, 2:31 PM
None that I know of. But many multi-track programs allow you to export each track as a separate .wav or .aif file. You could do this export from Samplitude or Cool Edit then bring the individual files into Vegas. They should line up fine if you insert them at the beginning, then you can use Vegas to edit and mix.
Harpo wrote on 9/26/2001, 4:59 PM
On last winter's namm I saw a beta of EDL Convert. As far as I remember it supports several formats including Vegas. Should be out by now I guess.

Hope this helps.

SonyEPM wrote on 9/26/2001, 5:21 PM
If you can output a CMX 3600 or Sony 9100 file, Vegas cn open those.
Harpo wrote on 9/26/2001, 5:54 PM
I think it supports the Vegas text edl. Would be much better than a CMX style edl because the text edl uses milliseconds instead of frames.
axel wrote on 9/27/2001, 6:57 AM
It supports the Vegas text? Where do I get this tool? Is it shareware?
Harpo wrote on 9/27/2001, 5:34 PM
SEKD seems to distribute it on their website. EDL Convert suppports Vegas, samplitude, SAW, Cool, Wavelab, Sadie, Sonic Solutions and AES31 (don't know was AES31 is...)

Hops this helps.
