
mike_in_ky wrote on 10/17/2015, 6:43 PM
You could make a mask with a photo editor that has the size rectangle that you want and use the mask in Movie Studio.
weaver wrote on 10/17/2015, 9:19 PM
I tried the mask approach - but I couldn't get it to work - using youtube video as my guide. Using a mask track, insert generated media, sony color gradient, gradient type rectangle(no feathering), white/black mask, applied a mask generator video effect, "inverted" the mask, - and this seemed to work combining the mask with the 1st video layer. However - when I made the 1st video layer a composite child of the mask and changed the mask parent composite mode to "multiply mask" - I couldn't get a resulting masking effect - I just had a blending of the video layers with video 2 dominating the blend. I would like to know how to work this because it could be useful.
In the end - I found a simple split track youtube video using pan/crop and track motion which basically did the minimum.