When I import HEVC video with 6 channel AAC audio into my project, I hear crackling/ticking noise while editing (on every channel), it's also present after rendering. It happens 95% of the time. The audio files themselves are perfectly fine and sound normal in any other programs including other editing software. The problem is only present when I use Vegas 18. I tried everything: updated my audio Realtek drivers, made sure there are right/matching audio settings in my project, reset Vegas settings to default, tried choosing another audio device type (every one ot them you can see on screens), tried to change the buffer size, installed K-Lite codec pack, changed the sample rate (the other thing I noticed: Vegas, as well as the other programs like VLC, interpret the sample rate of my audio files as 48000 Hz, but Windows Media Player shows it's 24000 kHz, maybe that's the problem, but the maximum sample rate I can choose in Vegas is 192000 Hz which I did and it's not helping either), I literally tried changing every possible audio setting to every possible value/option in Vegas and it doesn't help. I don't know how to disable SO4 Compound as there are no False/True options in internal settings (only 1 and 2). I heard that converting files into wav may help but it's not an option for me, I have about 100 hours of material with AAC audio. I'm desperate and don't understand what should I do to fix it...
Crackling/ticking noise when editing 6-channel AAC audio
wrote on 1/27/2021, 11:57 PM