Crash, Crash, CRASH!

Pedrick wrote on 11/20/2011, 8:14 PM
You all quit complaining after 11/14? I did a clean install of Win7 (albeit 32) and can do nothing more than simply tap the space bar to play the timeline and 11 crashes...
I DO do this for a living and Sony is really pushing the limits on this to have such unstable software. You can't sit around and wait for someone to fix a problem like this while you're seriously losing sight of your deadlines.
This really is unacceptable.

One option: has anyone tried reducing their timeline by, say, 50% (2hrs to 1hr, e.g.) - this was suggested to me by tech and I dunno if I want to do this or what?
And how do you all "go back" to 10 or 9e or whatever, since the .veg file currently being used in V11 is not backwards compatible?

Thanks for any comments.


Steve Mann wrote on 11/20/2011, 10:29 PM
First veg files have never been backward compatible. Experienced users copy their veg files to a new name to test new versions.

Second, many of us are quite happy with Version 11. It runs flawlessly here on two different computers. One with CUDA and one without. I have finished five projects ranging from a ten-minute demo video to a two-hour stage performance with no problems.

Third, since you just registered today and this is your first and only post, I will politely remind you that this is a peer user group. In order for anyone to offer any help, you first need to put your system specs in your profile. That's the first place we go to see what you are running Vegas on.

Yes, your computer is crashing. This is the fault of Vegas, how? I posit that you have unstable hardware or drivers. You indicate that you are running Win 7-32, but that's about all we know. That, and that your computer crashes.

Grazie wrote on 11/20/2011, 11:03 PM
In order for anyone to offer any help, you first need to put your system specs in your profile.

Yes Steve, I'd like to see an update of yours too? Hehe!.... As we are a "Peer forum".

- g

mtntvguy wrote on 11/20/2011, 11:46 PM
Works fine on my iMac.

This is the first project I did after upgrading from 10e

Not terribly complicated, but it didn't give me any grief.
Zanoonga wrote on 11/21/2011, 2:29 AM
We also have massive problems with Vegas 11.
We bought three licenses but we don't use it on any machine. Still 10.
Steve Mann wrote on 11/21/2011, 9:30 AM
"Yes Steve, I'd like to see an update of yours too? Hehe!."

johnmeyer wrote on 11/21/2011, 11:00 AM
I find it terribly unhelpful and annoying when people post that their system works just fine and they never have any problems. Well, good for you, but that provides absolutely no help for someone who DOES have problems, and makes it sound as though you think the person is a "head case" or idiot, and the problem is all of his or her making.

There have been lots of reports of crashes with Vegas 11 and some have been tracked down or acknowledged. There are too many variables to be specific in this case until we have more specifics about the project. The system specs are seldom the problem, although it seems to be a favorite question to ask.

The first thing I would suggest is to NOT install ANY plugins. This is especially true of the New Blue Titler which, it seems to me, has been at the center of a lot of the problems. Ed Troxell (jetdv) has acknowledged that they have had some problems.

If you have the option to install on a computer that is still running a 32-bit O/S, I'd install there. A lot of problems have been reported when running on 64-bit, and I suspect -- although cannot prove -- that there are issues when accessing some 32-bit DLL. I have Win 7 64-bit -- the latest and greatest -- and still have yet to find any advantage to running Vegas under this O/S.

Third, in direct answer to the OP's question about going backwards, while it is true that VEG files are not backwards compatible (i.e., you cannot open Vegas 11 VEG files with previous versions of Vegas), this is not a helpful answer. More helpful, I think, is to point out that there are several ways you can get at least parts of your project into an earlier version of Vegas if you can at least open the project in Vegas (the OP says Vegas crashes when he presses space bar to play, so the solution would be to open, and then immediately do the following, but without ever playing the video). What you can do is save as an EDL text file. This will save events and the way in which they are cut, plus some other information as well. This generic text file CAN be opened in earlier versions of Vegas. You may also be able to cut and paste events from the Vegas 11 timeline into earlier versions of Vegas.

I hope this helps.

P.S. I just went back and re-read the OP's post and realized that he also asked if it helps to reduce the timeline. The answer is definitely yes. In earlier versions of Vegas, the program would choke if you have large numbers of high-res still photos on the timeline. This problem has supposedly been eliminated, but I'm sure it is still possible to reach some limit depending on what you have on the timeline, so splitting the project in half, and then in quarters, etc. is always a great way to troubleshoot. If you delete everything from the 50% point onward, and the project now works, that tells you something. If not, try deleting the first 50% and see if you get improvement.
Rv6tc wrote on 11/21/2011, 11:16 AM
I had three crashed in about an hour and a half to two yesterday, which was an improvement. One when I was simply playing the timeline, like the OP and two trying to color correct.

Until version C or D, I'm treating it like I did Pinnacle way back when.... edit, save, edit save...
Grazie wrote on 11/21/2011, 11:50 AM
I've reverted to VP10e for paid work.

I can't get any video ideas out on VP11, which is torture as I like many of the new features.

SCS knows my plight.

I've used VASSTs Mayhem and Sapphire Edge Film looks. Working fine in VP10e. But when I get to VP11, stagger stagger seize stop . . . .

I don't know what else I can report to them, really I don't.

- g

mtntvguy wrote on 11/21/2011, 4:04 PM
So, if I haven't had any problems so far I should just keep my mouth shut?

Gotcha. My lips are zipped.
Grazie wrote on 11/21/2011, 4:23 PM
@TLF: I'm using Sapphire Edge's "Film Looks" with Mayhem. Not VASST's. I've created my own "client-based" presets which are being then pulled into Mayhem.

Yes I was steaming ahead. Now, I've met up with some turbulent waters that require I take to the nearest harbour while Vegas undergoes some refitting.

I really want to get back to VP-11. There's much I like about it.

- g

Steve Mann wrote on 11/21/2011, 5:37 PM
"The system specs are seldom the problem, although it seems to be a favorite question to ask."

It's a starting point. Like when one is running Vegas 11 with 2Gb of RAM on a dual-core system running Vista and wonders why renders take all night.

Lately I've been avoiding these threads because the posers simply will not participate in testing ideas toward fixing their PC. And I contend that the vast majority of these "crashes" is because of something not right in the PC - not Vegas' fault.

The final straw was when one poster called me an idiot because I asserted that tech support can't fix something they can't reproduce.
Rv6tc wrote on 11/21/2011, 6:34 PM

Not trying to sound rude or abrupt, but I'm running a new, 3 week old system I built. Fantastic motherboard/cpu combo. Mainstream Graphics card. 16GB ram. SSD. Win 64, and EVERY driver is updated. Nothing, and I mean nothing else crashes on it. I'm tech savy. So I ask you, what is wrong with my system. If VP11 works flawless for you, fantastic. I'm envious. But it's frankly insulting to read post after post that infers that it's my system or the way I press the spacebar to start playback that is the problem (And I'm not saying your's does... it does not). I think we've seen enough evidence to know that it works for some people and not others. I'm not bashing Madison, as I have full belief that in the next few versions they will fix it. But for now, some of us have very real problems. And I totally agree with Johnmeyer.

By the way... "crashes"? If you would like a screenshot, I can PROVE that it's crashes... not "crashes". Unless all the cough medicine I had for breakfast is playing tricks on my mind.
VanLazarus wrote on 11/21/2011, 9:09 PM
I agree. It's incredibly annoying when expressing frustration with crashes to have people pipe up that they have no problems at all. This is largely irrelevant when lots of people are having crashes with 11.... I'm one of those people. Vegas 11 just crashed 6 times within the last 20 minutes for me. Obviously, something within the project I'm editing is unstable.... and I agree with some other opinions in this thread that it seems to be mostly plugin related. Any area of my project that uses BCC7 has a 50/50 chance of crashing Vegas 11.

I still maintain that whoever is in charge of quality assurance at Sony Creative Software should lose their job. Right now! I can make Vegas 11 crash nearly at will.
johnmeyer wrote on 11/21/2011, 9:41 PM
And I contend that the vast majority of these "crashes" is because of something not right in the PC - not Vegas' fault.Well, you can contend that, but virtually everything in all these threads (and there sure are a lot, even compared to other new Vegas releases) indicates exactly the opposite.

Obviously, something within the project I'm editing is unstable.... and I agree with some other opinions in this thread that it seems to be mostly plugin related. Any area of my project that uses BCC7 has a 50/50 chance of crashing Vegas 11.Given that, the obvious thing is to either eliminate that plugin (uninstall it) OR see if you can use a loop to render just that part of the project (using a lossless codec) and then re-import it. A PIA, I'll agree, but it might be a way to get through the project and on to other things.

FWIW, I ran a few software companies, a long time ago, and actually fired tech support people who tried to tell the customer it is their fault. It is not just the rudeness and attitude that is wrong, but it simply comes at the whole problem the wrong way. In particular, the idea that tech support is only responsible for dealing with hard-core bugs in the program is simply incorrect. For better or worse, every PC program runs in an environment that has a million hardware and software variables, not to mention that pesky user. While some things eventually can be tracked down to a specific fault in the O/S, or a driver, or in the application, often it is not so simple to isolate it to just one variable.

Most importantly, each user approaches editing with a completely unique workflow, and some of these uncover interactions and combinations that even the best software engineer would never have forseen. Who would have thought that someone would want to cut a one hour project into individual events, each one frame in duration? How do you test the program if someone wants to write their own plugin, but doesn't know what they are doing? (I have never posted the name, but there is a shareware plugin that definitely causes all sorts of problems.)

The only thing I ask is that the person with the problem try to follow the suggestions given and report back on the results. I realize that many don't want to do that because they feel that Sony and their beta testers should have gotten rid of every last problem, and I understand that feeling. However, for those here who are really and truly professionals, the end goal is to get the job out the door and make a buck, and generally they are really eager to do whatever it takes to achieve that objective.
ushere wrote on 11/21/2011, 10:06 PM
i have often replied 'ok here' when reference to a specific problem. eg. no sony mp4 render showing up in options.

in the above case it's not meant as a 'put-down', simply that i cannot replicate the problem - if i could, well that's certainly another voice in favour of whatever being more widespread than a particular pc's quirk or idiosyncrasy.

there's is however the ever growing chance of hardware / software conflicts when there's so many hardware options around, and sony's own new code being sprung on a market used to being able to plug and play with older versions. finally there's the wetware problem, wanting faster, bigger, better whatever and pushing the envelope trying to obtain it with as yet, unproven software / hardware.

i'm sure scs and their beta testers do as much as possible to minimize any fallout, but reading this and other ng's it's pretty obvious that there's certainly problems, but not on the scale of a major catastrophic release, such as we had with 8 (or was it 9?).

i'm happy enough using 11, but if i had a really critical project, i'd be working in whichever older version i felt comfortable with. i think grazie has unfortunately discovered this the hard way. 11 has much to offer, and hopefully .a will sort a lot of the existing problems out.

also to be born in mind is as much as newblue offer some great plug-ins, they seem to be a major problem with some installations. whose fault this is i have no idea, but it should be resolved ASAP, otherwise discontent spreads much quicker than praise.


video777 wrote on 11/22/2011, 12:09 AM
Add me to the group of people who have constant crashes. However, I am convinced it is because I am running the 64-bit version AND have NewBlueFX Titler Pro installed. It basically crashes every time I touch a title. As long as I avoid those I can edit everything else. It takes a long time to do one title, wait for the crash to finish, restart, find my spot, edit the next title (assuming I was able to save the one I edited).

I installed the latest version of SVP 11, NewBlueFX Titler Pro and updated my video card to the latest drivers.

I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit (I know I haven't updated my profile in a long time). Is it possible to run the 32-bit version of SVP?
Grazie wrote on 11/22/2011, 12:59 AM
Leslie, yes. However I'm old and ugly enough to realise that SCS will get it right.

V777, I'm not running NewBlue anything (?), so I'm am a prime candidate for the White Ward! And yes, there is much complexity going with VP11, I'd suggest we haven't seen this type of steep hill - ever.


- g

ritsmer wrote on 11/22/2011, 2:39 AM
johnmeyer wrote: I find it terribly unhelpful and annoying when people post that their system works just fine

Not really.
I remember the last time I had an issue and posted it here - immediately 2 other peers answered that they did not have any problems in that situation.

Now - knowing that the problem was not a general one - I searched for and found out how to correct the error on my machine.

In order to give the ladies and gentlemen of this forum a chance to help, however, it is necessary to give a detailed description of the issue, provide the system specs etc. and not just vent a high pitched whine.
travtek wrote on 11/22/2011, 3:42 AM
@video777: You said: Add me to the group of people who have constant crashes. However, I am convinced it is because I am running the 64-bit version AND have NewBlueFX Titler Pro installed. It basically crashes every time I touch a title. As long as I avoid those I can edit everything else. It takes a long time to do one title, wait for the crash to finish, restart, find my spot, edit the next title (assuming I was able to save the one I edited).

I installed the latest version of SVP 11, NewBlueFX Titler Pro and updated my video card to the latest drivers.

My response: I'm beginning to see a trend here in the forum. I also run Windows 7 64-bit, also have the latest build of VP 11, also have the latest drivers and also have installed NB FX Pro Titler. I have a trouble ticket at New Blue that is going on three weeks concerning crashes when opening the Titler Pro. They sent me a new version of the program that basically logs the errors. I sent the data back and the engineers have not gotten back to NB customer service with a solution. And now NB has opened the flood gates to market the Titler Pro beyond VP 11 community. (Yikes)

You said:
I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit (I know I haven't updated my profile in a long time). Is it possible to run the 32-bit version of SVP?

My response:
I ONLY use the 32-bit version of VP 11 even within WIN 7 64-bit environment due to older plug-ins that are only supported within a 32-bit realm.

Now I'm crashing more now than ever and only in VP 11 just on a playback on the timeline of 47 minutes. (And yes there is generated media three times on the timeline using Titler Pro because sometimes it works better after the later build of VP 11. And these crashes are violent: everything freezes including sound on a stuck note. Forget about screen grabs! LOL

This is also the first time WIN 7 has ever crashed let alone just the program crashing. So like the other posters I've adopted the same MO: edit, save, repeat.

I'm beginning to see the wisdom of having a running copy of the prior VP 10 version. Maybe the answer is to run Vegas in a prior version on Windows XP, SP3, and not have use of the new Titler Pro plugin or GPU performance.

The most strange thing I now experience is rendering a project with markers included in VP 11, only to find they are completely gone when .mpg file is loaded into Sony DVD Architect Pro Ver. 5.2.
JJKizak wrote on 11/22/2011, 6:58 AM
One of the first things I do is turn off "User Account Control" in Win7/Vista. This solved all my problems involving 3rd party pluggins (shuttle pro) and Vegas open/closing (DVD-A 5.2, Vegas Pro 11)
Steve Mann wrote on 11/22/2011, 9:40 AM
"The most strange thing I now experience is rendering a project with markers included in VP 11, only to find they are completely gone when .mpg file is loaded into Sony DVD Architect Pro Ver. 5.2."

I noticed this, too. But when I scrolled down in the "Render As" window the "Save Markers" option was unchecked, where in V10 and before this was default-checked.

Check your markers checkbox.
Grazie wrote on 11/22/2011, 11:23 AM
@ JJK:"One of the first things I do is turn off "User Account Control" in Win7/Vista"

This has to be a joke? Is this even advisable? I'm a complete dunce when it comes to IT "wordage".


- g

Steve Mann wrote on 11/22/2011, 1:06 PM
No joke - it's the first thing I do when I install Windows.

Go to Start, type UAC in the "Search Programs and Files", and run "Change User Accounts ..." blah, blah.

Here's what you want to do:

Ros wrote on 11/22/2011, 2:16 PM
Same here: UAC is the first thing I turn off after installing windows and I don't believe it is the answer to fixing Vegas many crashes since I also get many crashes with V11 and UAC has always been turned off.

So I am another one having many crashes with V11.
I spent some time testing V11 once it was out and then went back to V10 to finish off some projects.

Once in a while I open up V11 and give it a try and just minutes after opening it crashes using NBTP, BCC7, Sapphire Edge.

I am kind of thinking it might be related to using OFX but I still have to dig a little further since so far it never crashed using Magic Bullet which is not OFX I believe and does use a lot of ressources. It is really hard to pin point because the crashes are not always triggered by the same actions.

And I don't feel like reinstalling Win7 since V10e works really well. I just finished a project with over 18 hours of footage on the timeline and the .veg file is over 51MB.

V11 64-bits / Win7 with all drivers up to date.
