Crash on UNDO (consistent repro)

Cheesehole wrote on 7/17/2004, 2:36 PM
I have a lot of markers on the time line. If I move one and hit UNDO, Vegas crashes with the following error. It doesn't seem to happen if I move events.

What a terrible time to crash... you can't save because you just made a mistake that you want to undo, but you can't undo either because Vegas crashes immediately.

I have it crashing on two different systems, one using Vegas 5a and one using Vegas 5b.

Anyone else see this? Any resolution?

Sony Vegas 5.0
Version 5.0b (Build 160)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xC8D0000 IP:0x111F75C
In Module 'vegas50k.dll' at Address 0x1000000 + 0x11F75C
Thread: ProgMan ID=0x96C Stack=0xC8CF000-0xC8D0000
EAX=0a112c20 CS=001b EIP=0111f75c EFLGS=00010212
EBX=0a106e50 SS=0023 ESP=0c8cfd80 EBP=00000002
ECX=00000002 DS=0023 ESI=0c8d0000 FS=003b
EDX=0000020c ES=0023 EDI=0a112e24 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
0111F75C: F3 A5 8B CA 83 E1 03 F3 ........
0111F764: A4 6A FF 6A 00 55 53 E8 .j.j.US.
Stack Dump:
0C8CFD80: 0C8CFE34 0C7D0000 + FFE34
0C8CFD84: 0CEC0F80 0CEA0000 + 20F80
0C8CFD88: 00000000
0C8CFD8C: 0A106E50 0A0B0000 + 56E50
0C8CFD90: 00000000
0C8CFD94: 0054421B 00400000 + 14421B (vegas50.exe)
0C8CFD98: 0A112C20 0A0B0000 + 62C20
0C8CFDA0: 0000020C
0C8CFDA8: 0C8CFE44 0C7D0000 + FFE44
0C8CFDAC: 0CEC0F80 0CEA0000 + 20F80
0C8CFDB0: 0C8CFE5C 0C7D0000 + FFE5C
0C8CFDB4: 00000000
0C8CFDB8: 0CF69778 0CEA0000 + C9778
0C8CFDBC: 00000028
> 0C8CFDF4: 77F45A34 77F40000 + 5A34 (ntdll.dll)
> 0C8CFDF8: 77F89458 77F40000 + 49458 (ntdll.dll)
> 0C8CFE34: 00657D68 00400000 + 257D68 (vegas50.exe)
0C8CFE38: 0CEC0F80 0CEA0000 + 20F80
0C8CFE3C: 00000001
0C8CFE40: 0A106E50 0A0B0000 + 56E50
0C8CFE44: 00000002
> 0C8CFE6C: 0068962E 00400000 + 28962E (vegas50.exe)
0C8CFE70: 0000000A
0C8CFE74: 00000000
0C8CFE78: 0C8CFEB0 0C7D0000 + FFEB0
0C8CFE7C: 00000002
> 0C8CFEA0: 0065BE24 00400000 + 25BE24 (vegas50.exe)
0C8CFEA4: 0CEC0F80 0CEA0000 + 20F80
0C8CFEA8: 0CF69778 0CEA0000 + C9778
0C8CFEAC: 0A106E50 0A0B0000 + 56E50
0C8CFEB0: 0A106E50 0A0B0000 + 56E50
> 0C8CFF00: 0065DD7E 00400000 + 25DD7E (vegas50.exe)
0C8CFF04: 0C8CFF3C 0C7D0000 + FFF3C
0C8CFF08: 00000000
0C8CFF0C: 0D014AC8 0CEA0000 + 174AC8
0C8CFF10: 00000000
> 0C8CFF34: 004FD668 00400000 + FD668 (vegas50.exe)
- - -
0C8CFFF0: 00000000
0C8CFFF4: 004FB140 00400000 + FB140 (vegas50.exe)
0C8CFFF8: 007D90D0 00400000 + 3D90D0 (vegas50.exe)
0C8CFFFC: 00000000


Cheesehole wrote on 7/17/2004, 2:53 PM
The bug is related to the length of the marker name. 230 chars is fine, but as soon as you add the 231st character, the bug is activated.

Try this. Add a marker to a new project. Move it. Hit UNDO. All is okay.

Rename the marker to something with 230 characters. Here just cut and paste:

Move the marker. Hit undo. All is okay.

Now add ONE MORE "x" to the name. Move the marker. Hit UNDO. *** CRASH ***

This bug was not present in previous versions of Vegas, but it is present in Vegas 5a and 5b. This is of major concern to me since I use marker names all the way up to the 260 character limit all the time.

Is anyone able to reproduce this? Sony folks, are you able to reproduce? Need a VEG?

EDIT: Broke up the X's
winrockpost wrote on 7/17/2004, 3:12 PM
Grazie wrote on 7/17/2004, 3:12 PM
Wow! . . under what circumstances would you use such a long Marker Name? . . Must be a programming thing .. . ?

Very interested,

Cheesehole wrote on 7/17/2004, 3:22 PM
Thanks for the verification, risce1.

Grazie - I use the marker names for synchronized transcript. Ironically, Sony is now encouraging us to do this for sub titles.

(And yes, this bug affects regions in the same way it affects markers.)
Grazie wrote on 7/17/2004, 3:57 PM
Oh! - G
RexA wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:02 PM
>I use the marker names for synchronized transcript. Ironically, Sony is now encouraging us to do this for sub titles.

Just for my curiousity, can you elaborate on what this means? The marker name is the subtitle text? How exactly does the workflow work? Where has Sony encouraged this (is it in help or something)?

I haven't had to deal with subtitles yet but I can see that it could be messy and tricks like this might help. I imagine others here might be curious to hear your methods too.

On the bug, sounds like you found a classic buffer overflow. I would guess it won't be hard to find and fix. Maybe the Sony developers can give you a special test version to fix your problems. Did you file a real bug report too?
Grazie wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:18 PM
. . .in the meantime, Cheese_J_Hole, can you separate your XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX . . . in some way as I'm having to browse extensively Right to read our colleagues responses . .. please? .. If you don't wish to, that's up to you . . .. but I think this is a very interesting thread.

Oh, can someone confirm or deny, but isn't this 230 or the 255 a field limit seem to remember something in my DOS days .. . or was it dBAse or rBase or some such format . . hmmm... just ramblings from an old fart here!

RexA wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:35 PM
>>in some way as I'm having to browse extensively Right to read our colleagues responses

Hmmm. This seems to be a weird effect of non-threaded view. For the time being, if you edit your account properties and change to threaded view you wont notice this problem (the messages wrap).
Grazie wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:39 PM
Yup! Thanks Rexie . ..




Grazie wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:42 PM
Rexie, "the messages wrap" isn't this also the problem being described here? A very long text field NOT being able to be wrapped .. again ramblings iof an old fart again . .. .

Cheesehole wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:51 PM
>Just for my curiousity, can you elaborate on what this means? The marker name is the subtitle text? How exactly does the workflow work? Where has Sony encouraged this (is it in help or something)?

Regions are used to create DVD sub titles in Vegas for exporting to DVD Architect. It's just a script that exports the regions so you could use anything and modify the script... Using event names instead would allow you to have track level sub titles. Then you could have multiple languages. It's just a matter of playing with the script they included.
Cheesehole wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:58 PM
> but isn't this 230 or the 255 a field limit seem to remember something

It's weird but the character limit for a marker / region name field in Vegas is 260. I've always wondered why...
RexA wrote on 7/18/2004, 12:15 AM
Well you said the problem occurs on undo. I suspect there is a buffer for intermediate stuff in the undo path that is too small to hold the string.

As for all the size comments, 256 is a power of 2, so is common in computers, but nowadays any number could be picked by the programmer as a reasonable limit. Having chosen, all the paths need to have room for that max size, which seems to not be the case here.
Cheesehole wrote on 7/22/2004, 5:23 AM
Was anyone from Sony able to reproduce this? just checking...
AlistairLock wrote on 7/22/2004, 10:31 AM
255 can be represented in binary by turning all 8 bits on.
8 bits will get you from 0 to 255. (or 1 to 256)
For instance, 16 bit colour has 65535 colours 256*256

Sort of a garbled response but you get the idea.

So it would make "sense" (perhaps) if the markers were getting confused if you were putting in more than 256 characters, but 230?...
Cheesehole wrote on 7/23/2004, 4:02 PM
Yeah it's kind of funny but the character limit has always been 260 for the markers / regions / active take names / etc...

Now Vegas crashes if you use more than 230. Whacky.

edit: I just tested it with active take names and it doesn't crash. In case that helps the Sony folks... the undo/crash bug seems to be limited to markers / regions.

I hope they consider it an important bug to fix. This one sneaks up on you and bites you at a really bad moment (hitting undo!). I suppose it could be worse... if it let you save the project but couldn't open it afterwards.
RexA wrote on 7/24/2004, 9:14 PM
Did you contact Sony directly, or only in this forum? If not, I suggest you file an email support message or call them on the support telephone line. I don't think that there is any guarantee that they will respond to problems only posted in this forum.
Cheesehole wrote on 7/26/2004, 10:46 PM
I contacted SONY directly over the weekend via the technical support system. They haven't written back yet.
Cheesehole wrote on 3/31/2005, 12:58 AM
This bug is still present in Vegas 5.0d!?!? What happened I thought Sony used to fix this kind of stuff. Here I am doing another subtitle project and every time I hit undo after moving a marker I get the dreaded CRASH exception.

This bug was introduced in Vegas 5. I wonder if it's still in Vegas 6. Any beta testers out there?
FrigidNDEditing wrote on 3/31/2005, 9:29 AM
If there were - they couldn't say - almost guarunteed.

Cheesehole wrote on 4/24/2005, 11:20 PM
Well we have our answer. Vegas 6 has this exact same bug. Judging by Sony's lack of action on this issue over the past 9 months doesn't make me confident that it will ever be fixed.
SonyIMC wrote on 4/25/2005, 2:23 PM
Thanks for the input we now have a repro.

This issue has been added to out bug database.

Cheesehole wrote on 4/26/2005, 1:23 AM

THANKS!!! :D :D :D