Once...Just ONCE I'd love to see you try your postings on the DMN or Cow forums. Go ahead. I dare ya. Same posts, same APPEARANCE, same rediculous situations.
Actually there is a lot to be said about typing in caps. Its much faster.
It started in the old teletype days when everything was in caps. If people wouldn't get upset about the so called "shouting yelling" connotation everybody would be doing it (as I with my buddies who know I am not shouting). I would be in favor of eliminating lower case as its redundant.
Lowercase letters were developed because they are easier and faster to read. Uppercase letters are for attention or delination. Both serve a very useful purpose.
Notice that when Zippy posts a ridiculous post, everyone jumps to respond at how ridiculous he is.
Notice next that Zippy never responds after being beaten up verbally.
Notice then, that Zippy simply posts another silly post.
Zippy, a star performer of the 'internet forum' stage, is receiving accolades. He barks, everyone brings him food. He whistles, everyone jumps through his hoops. I don't think Zippy is as goofy as everyone things he is. I think Zippy is pretty smart and craves the attention he gets when he whistles, barks, or holds a bone in the air.
Quit delivering a response, maybe he'll start to post intelligent questions and answers, and maybe become part of the forum. So far, his forum training has taught him that goofy posts net him an answer. Quit answering the goofy ones, I'm sure he'll quit. I hope. :-)
I totally agree with SPOT, if he posts a stupid question that can be easily explained, then explain to him how to do it and leave it at that. No need to take personal jabs at him, that will only fuel the fire. Even in his last few posts he was starting to not type in ALL CAPS, then the moderators removed the messages and now look what happened, he's back to ALL CAPS and silly questions, anyone seeing a pattern here??? There are a lot of people that ask questions here that are simply answered and we don't take personal jabs at them, we simply give them the solution to their problem and move on, that is what we need to do.
<<Quit delivering a response, maybe he'll start to post intelligent questions and answers, and maybe become part of the forum.>>
Problem is illustrated through a story of an old Zen monastery, where young monks being trained to empty their minds in meditation, were told to sit twenty minutes without thinking of a monkey. Try it. All you'll be able to think about is that damn monkey.
Oh come on people, this is supposed to be a "Professional Forum" filled with Professionals and adults. So maybe there is 1 or 2 of us here that aren't, but the rest of us can at least try to act like grown ups !