DirectX 8 and Vegas Problems

ATLogik wrote on 3/12/2001, 10:12 PM
I have, and have been using... DirectX 8.0a for a while now. I downloaded and installed the DV update from
microsoft in order to install Vegas 2.0d. After installing the DV update, I STILL receive the message "In order to
install Vegas, you must install the DV update" box. I have installed it about 10 times... rebooted about 30 and it
still will NOT let me install Vegas. Any ideas on how i might be able to bypass the installer? I know DX8.0a and
the DV is installed on my system. Is there any Reg keys i can modify? I'd like some help.

Thanks, Logik


joker79 wrote on 3/14/2001, 1:46 AM
For two days now I have been trying the exact same thing
with negative results. i emailed tech support saying:

Message: I'm not able to use update to ver. 2.0d. I can't
get past the "must
upgrade Direct X" and then go to Microsoft, install from
their site, reboot.
Re-trying Vegas update places me at the same request: "must
upgrade...DirectX". This places me in that continuous loop,
unable to
proceed with the update. I am wondering if my Win98 is the
reason. Do I HAVE
to have Win98SE? Is there something I'm doing wrong at
Microsofts Website?
I've tried all the DirectX downloads possible from
Microsoft-still can't do
Vegas update 2.0d. What gives? Thanks.


"Thank you for writing. While I'm not sure why Vegas Audio
would not run
under Win98, we do support Windows 98SE and higher.
However, I don't know
that this is the problem. Did you also run the DirectX DV
update? It's also
available from , and is required for Vegas Audio 2.0d's functionality just like DirectX 8.0a is." I did not find this response helpful and have tried and tried again doing EXACTLY what is said in order to update Vegas 2.0b to Version 2.0d with no luck. If anybody knows what's going on or has advice, please let us know, Thanks.
axel wrote on 3/14/2001, 6:24 AM

I don't have a workaround for this, but I want to let you
know that I am experiencing excatly the same behaviour.
Installed both updates (DX8 runtime + DX8 DVupdate). I am
on Win98, not Win98se (?)

SonyEPM wrote on 3/14/2001, 9:01 AM
The supported Windows operating systems are:

NT4 sp4 (no DV in NT)
Windows 2000

This has always been the case. Upgrading to 98SE will fix
the problem, and is pretty painless. If you aren't tied to
98 for hardware driver reasons, consider migrating to
Win2k. One of the best things about it is the ability to
use NTFS-formatted drives- unlimited file sizes will be
possible. This really helps when doing video-
joker79 wrote on 3/15/2001, 12:27 AM
I suspected using Win98 (not using Win98SE) was the reason
as I have dual boot and the 2.0d update installed perfectly
in Win2K. I would love to use Win2K for everything using
NTSF, and that is the reason for dual booting: to see if
things will work. Vegas won't do multi-channeling (more
than one stereo pair at a time) so until Microsoft and
Sonic Foundry find a way to solve this drawback, I decided
not to use it. Drat! Otherwise I like Win2K. I do audio
only, no video (for now). So, I guess I'll remain in Win98
and not go for the Vegas Audio 2.0d update. Are these my
options? Other than geting Win98SE? How much does it cost?
I'm wondering what will happen when "Whistler" is released.
billybk wrote on 3/15/2001, 8:45 AM
I have been using Vegas Video 2.0b successfully
on my machine using Win98. I often use the Microsoft Update
website for Win98. You just need to have all of the latest
relevant updates and bug fixes downloaded and installed
(DX8a, DX Updater, IE5.5 and so on). While it is true that
Win98 straight out of the box is not recommended,
if you keep up with all the latest Microsoft updates
you should be ok.

SonyEPM wrote on 3/15/2001, 9:03 AM
A member of the Whistler team told me explicitly that
proper DV functionality is a shipping requirement for
Whistler- they "promised" not to break anything in that
area. whew-
MikeOlson wrote on 3/18/2001, 7:17 AM
For what it's worth, I have both a Win98SE machine and a Win2000 machine. The 2.0d update behaves the same on each. It stops at the "Upgrade to DX 8" screen, and refuses to proceed farther.
Each of the machines has the latest DX 8 (I reinstalled the two upgrades that the installer points to just to be sure), as both the DXDIAG and the "Properties" display confirm.
I suspect the problem is 2.0d is incorrectly identifying the DX 8 version.
jadavis wrote on 3/18/2001, 11:08 PM
Is there ever going to be any work around for this? I'll
admit I only have VegasLE because it came with Sound Forge
5.0, but even free versions of programs have less
installation issues than this (yes I am a cheapskate).