Do you need this too?

axel wrote on 10/27/1999, 12:11 PM
Besides features one could dream of there are a few down-to-
earth things that I really need for my work with this
EXTRAORDINAIRY application. If other users think the same
please respond.

What I need is:

- auto-backup for project files. Although Vegas didn't
crash with V.1.05 I think there always should be some
redundance for our work. What do the experts say? Data
doesn't exist if you don't have the original and at least 1
copy of it?

- possibility to renumber markers & regions. Why do some
regions have markers and some don't? Seems confusing.

- shortcut to jump directly to the arrange window from any
window. Of course you can always click onto the timeline,
but maybe you had selected a specified area before; in this
case selection would be gone. Make navigation easy!

- Problem: I have 2 events placed between two markers. I
select the time between the markers. I want to copy only
one of the events. Therefor I have to use the "selection
edit tool" to select the specified event. But: by doing
this the selected time between the markes becomes de-
selected again. Of course there is a work-around: First
select the event, then select the time; but I think there
should be a better solution where it doesn't matter what
you select first. Make navigation easy!

- scrubbing in trim window is not possible if file is not
in play mode. Please give it a separate scrubbing tool.

- Problem: In V.1.05 sometimes playback speeds up
dramatically. Stop & Play is a work-around but..


CDM wrote on 11/6/1999, 3:54 PM
I'm not sure I understand all of what you ask for here, but as for
the markers and regions...
I asked a long time ago for markers that would number past 9 but it
didn't make it into this version. I am REALLY hoping they add this
feature (as well as a feature for numbered markers in SF 4.5). There
is some funkiness with regions in Vegas 1.0a (especially in the
trimmer window). If you add regions, they number incorrectly. I think
this is going to be fixed in 1.0b.

Auto backup would be great but really time and space consuming. I
think you're going to have to do that one yourself on an as needed
basis. When I work I save a backup file with a different name just in
case the file corrupts. Remember, the vegas file itself is only
location information. The actual .wav files are separate. You can
back those up manually.

Careful when you move files around, though, because I've had various
times when the project wouldn't open nor would it ask me where the
new location was. Bad.

I wish there were a compact feature (such as in Pro Tools). A clunky
way of doing this is to mix to disk each event and then, using
snapping, put them where they should be in the file and delete the

As for the selecting question: why do you need to select the time?
Why not just the event. A handy tool to select time across a series
of events or markers: double click on the first event, holding down
the mouse button and drag across the events or ctrl-alt-shift arrow

Does any of this help?

Axel Gutzler wrote:
>>Besides features one could dream of there are a few down-to-
>>earth things that I really need for my work with this
>>EXTRAORDINAIRY application. If other users think the same
>>please respond.
>>What I need is:
>>- auto-backup for project files. Although Vegas didn't
>>crash with V.1.05 I think there always should be some
>>redundance for our work. What do the experts say? Data
>>doesn't exist if you don't have the original and at least 1
>>copy of it?
>>- possibility to renumber markers & regions. Why do some
>>regions have markers and some don't? Seems confusing.
>>- shortcut to jump directly to the arrange window from any
>>window. Of course you can always click onto the timeline,
>>but maybe you had selected a specified area before; in this
>>case selection would be gone. Make navigation easy!
>>- Problem: I have 2 events placed between two markers. I
>>select the time between the markers. I want to copy only
>>one of the events. Therefor I have to use the "selection
>>edit tool" to select the specified event. But: by doing
>>this the selected time between the markes becomes de-
>>selected again. Of course there is a work-around: First
>>select the event, then select the time; but I think there
>>should be a better solution where it doesn't matter what
>>you select first. Make navigation easy!
>>- scrubbing in trim window is not possible if file is not
>>in play mode. Please give it a separate scrubbing tool.
>>- Problem: In V.1.05 sometimes playback speeds up
>>dramatically. Stop & Play is a work-around but..