Does this render time sound right?

Randy Brown wrote on 12/16/2010, 9:20 AM
I have a 38 minute mixed DV widescreen/HDV project with color correction that is showing it will take over 8 hours to render to DVDA widescreen (VP10). Does this sound like something is wrong? I tried rendering it yesterday and it took over 7 hours and when I opened it in DVDA it wasn't even all there so I'm rendering again but something seems wrong no?
Windows Version:7 64-bit
RAM:8 gb
Processor:Q8300 2.5 ghz
Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce GT 220
Sound Card:Delta 1010
Thanks very much,


musicvid10 wrote on 12/16/2010, 9:24 AM
"I have a 38 minute mixed DV widescreen/HDV project with color correction that is showing it will take over 8 hours to render to DVDA widescreen (VP10). Does this sound like something is wrong?"

With mixed media and color correction, 8 hours sounds pretty fast to me.
Chienworks wrote on 12/16/2010, 10:19 AM
Color correction alone can triple rendering time, depending on the source. Color correction & color curves combined can quintuple it.
Randy Brown wrote on 12/16/2010, 10:54 AM
Thanks Kelly, I've noticed color correction can double or even triple but nothing that takes this long....must be the DV/HDV combination thrown in the mix I guess.
Thanks again,
winrockpost wrote on 12/16/2010, 2:27 PM
way too long,, if you are using sony cc, something isn't right
kkolbo wrote on 12/16/2010, 2:31 PM
way too long,, if you are using sony cc, something isn't right

I agree. Unless there are layers and transparency, over four hours seems wrong. It sounds like maybe the RAM Preview is set to a high number. That will slow it down.
Randy Brown wrote on 12/16/2010, 3:38 PM
The Ram preview is indeed set to like 80% of my total....b/c I read somewhere to increase it even if you don't use ram preview...what should I set it to if I have 8gb and I don't use ram preview?
Thanks guys, I was thinking something had to be wrong
kkolbo wrote on 12/16/2010, 3:43 PM
I would take it down to 256Mb. Some say they get better with 1024mb, but I get the best at 256mb. This is just during render. I run much higher during cutting.
Randy Brown wrote on 12/16/2010, 4:05 PM
Thanks very much high would you run during editing if you had 8gb total.
Thanks again,
kkolbo wrote on 12/16/2010, 7:03 PM
I usually run 2GB when editing
kkolbo wrote on 12/17/2010, 7:15 AM
Did your render go faster?
Randy Brown wrote on 12/18/2010, 6:55 PM
It was 80% done so I let it finish...I have one Monday though and I'll check it then...thanks K!
jerald wrote on 12/24/2010, 9:58 PM
Hi, Randy,
As others have said, render times can vary (a lot) depending on added effects.

Your computer specs sound fine.

As a "reality check" sort of test you may want to create a small sample project with no effects and render it, comparing render-time to real-time duration of the video.

I have a Q6600 with 3gb running 32 bit Vegas Pro 9 & 10. Using AVCHD source (1920x1080x60i) & Rendering to DVD Widescreen (720x480) I generally see about 1.5x real-time video duration (1 minute dvd runtime takes about 90 seconds). This is a ballpark & isn't always the same.

Some factors that are often overlooked:
-make sure that your hard disks that are being used for operating system, program files, temorary files, source files, and render target files are defragmented. Fragmented drives can have a dramatic impact on render speed.

-Ideally you will have your program files on one hard drive, your source files on a separate drive, your temperary files on a third drive, and your target files on a fourth drive. This will optimize read and write speeds.

-Be careful about other programs that use a lot of system memory &/or resources (e.g. Photoshop, etc) running at the same time as rendering.

If you need to render many pieces from a single project, scripts can be very useful in enabling multiple renders overnight or when away from your computer.
Randy Brown wrote on 12/25/2010, 7:36 AM
Thanks jerald,
It seems kkolbo's tip has helped substantially...I find it strange that dynamic ram preview settings could make any difference but it's good to know the trick!
Thanks again,