Download keeps pausing

kyle-pitts wrote on 2/4/2023, 11:24 PM

I'm upgraidng from Movie Studio 17 to Vegas Post 20. I purchased it, and got the tiny downloader. Now I'm running it and it's probably a couple of GB downloads but it keeps freaking pausing. How do i keep this thing running. I left for 4 hours thinking it would be downloaded, nope it just keep pausing like I'm on 1998's aol internet. Any other program I download is fast. The size alone should have had this downloaded in like 6 minutes. How do I make this faster? Is this the server speed I'm getting from Vegas? Is there no way to just download all the files myself somewhere vs having to wait for this installer to do it for me?


EricLNZ wrote on 2/5/2023, 1:19 AM

@kyle-pitts Look at the thread which is probably still below this one It contains reference to where the direct download links are.

To my knowledge downloads come from Magix in Germany and obviously there is a problem somewhere.

kyle-pitts wrote on 2/5/2023, 7:27 AM

lol that's funny we both put the 90's internet. Thanks! I'll check that one out.