Dumb quest. . . OFX FXs installed, where?

Grazie wrote on 2/7/2016, 6:35 AM
Hello my VegHead friends, I want to get a list of the OFX that are installed on my PC. How do I go about it?




Tech Diver wrote on 2/7/2016, 10:11 AM
Hi Grazie, there are two directories where you will find your OFX plugins:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\OFX\Plugins
C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas Pro 13.0\OFX Video Plug-Ins

The first one is where you will find most 3rd party packages, while the second is more for the intrinsic ones.

Grazie wrote on 2/7/2016, 11:28 AM
Thank you Peter. No other place? Do these things have a generic suffix?

Tech Diver wrote on 2/7/2016, 2:28 PM
Grazie, as you have probably surmised, the plugins themselves end in ".ofx". Generally they are packaged in a ".bundle" sub-directory in the locations I had mentioned. For example:
../Magic Bullet Suite/MagicBulletLooks.ofx.bundle/Content/Win64/MagicBulletLooks.ofx
../Red Giant Universe/Universe_Utilities_Unmult_OFX.ofx.bundle/Contents/Win64/Universe_Utilities_Unmult_OFX.ofx

Grazie wrote on 2/7/2016, 2:44 PM
That's awfully helpful Peter. Many thanks. G
Tech Diver wrote on 2/7/2016, 3:56 PM
Always glad to help.
Red Prince wrote on 2/8/2016, 2:21 AM
In addition to the two directories mentioned already, they can also be installed in any directory listed in the OFX_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable. You can find the contents of that variable (if any) by typing the following at a command line prompt (often incorrectly referred to as the DOS prompt):


(Don’t forget the two percent signs.) If no such variable exists in your environment, the echo command will just print the %OFX_PLUGIN_PATH% as if it was literal text. If, however, such a variable does exist, the echo command will print its contents instead, which will either be a single path or several paths separated by a semicolon. And if it does exist, Vegas will search the path/paths listed in the variable while searching for the OFX files (in addition to the two already mentioned). They will follow the same directory structure as those in the C:\Program Files\OFX\Plugins directory.


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