DVD-A 2 not allowing me to register?!

vitamin_D wrote on 5/31/2004, 6:23 PM
I keep getting the registration popup but without an option to enter my serial number, I'm just given notice that my copy will expire in 25 days. No matter how many times I fill out the forms to register online -- and allow DVDA to register -- I get sent back to this window every time I launch the app.

What gives?

edit: I see now that the "enter your serial number" is greyed out from the help dropdown menu. When DVDA launches, my serial is there but I'm given a 25 day expiration notice, as well...

Guess I'll try a reinstall or repair...

OK -- repair does me no good, neither does re-install. I've registered it five times now. Chalk this up to another agrravation -- DVDA2 is the single most compelling reason to spend $200 on the upgrade and now to get it working I've got to spend time on the phone with tech support...

- jim


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