
volzjr wrote on 9/27/2005, 12:47 PM
Just create a normal DVD. When you play it back, hit the "repeat" button on the DVD player's remote, & you're all set.
Daniel_Voges wrote on 9/27/2005, 1:26 PM
ChristerTX wrote on 9/27/2005, 4:02 PM
Another option is to create a DVD but with NO MENU.
Then the DVD player will start the clip over again.

You should be able to do that in DVD-Architect but I have not used that software with no menu.

(I used Ulead Video Factory to create the DVD and selected the "no menu" option")

djcc wrote on 9/27/2005, 6:27 PM
I do not think that a DVD without a menu will automatically repeat itself. In fact, I'm fairly sure it will not. I do not think DVDA has the ability to insert the commands to auto repeat. Simplest way to do this is, as previously suggested, to use a DVD player's repeat function. I would, however, still create such a disc without menus for simplicity under these circumstances.
jtuffen wrote on 9/28/2005, 12:57 AM
I actually use Nero to author DVDs as it has this feature - you can build a DVD with a menu, and then set the first chapter to play after a certain delay (i.e. 1 second); then subsequent chapters play in sequence. At the end of the last chapter, the menu appears again for one second, and the cycle repeats.

I'm not sure if this can be done in DVD architect... there may be freeware tools that can author the DVD like this as well
IanG wrote on 9/28/2005, 4:20 AM
>there may be freeware tools that can author the DVD like this as well

Are there any freeware authoring apps at all, other than VobEdit?

Ian G.
Gatman wrote on 9/28/2005, 8:15 AM
Are there any freeware authoring apps at all, other than VobEdit?

While I've never personally used it, I have heard good things about dvdauthor. It is a command line program, but it has two gui front-ends available. The dvdauthorgui front-end has gotten some great feedback (and a few negatives) over at

You can find it in the list of DVD authoring tools at:



ADinelt wrote on 9/28/2005, 9:45 AM
The way I had a DVD repeat itself was by using DVD-Lab. In it, you can tell the end of the movie where to branch to. Since it can not branch to itself, I put in a 1/2 second black clip so the movie would branch to the clip, then the clip would branch to the start of the movie, there by resulting in a repeating video.

jimmyz wrote on 9/28/2005, 6:48 PM
architect 3 that comes with movie studio 6 platinum
allows you to set end actions. I just did a looping video
with no menu. I don't think yours can set end actions.
IanG wrote on 9/29/2005, 1:12 AM
>While I've never personally used it, I have heard good things about dvdauthor

Gary, thanks for that! I use DVD-Lab for my authoring but it's handy to know what's available.

Ian G.