DVDA 6 problems with playlist

UlfLaursen wrote on 6/2/2013, 10:12 PM

I have a strange problem with a playlist in DVDA 6.

I have a concert DVD with 20 songs. I make a two page menu with 10 songs on each.

I add a playlist with all 20 songs.

Then I delete two songs, from menu, assets etc. and add thme again, just with another file, which is encoded a little harder to fit on one DVD.

The problem is now, that even if I change the place of the songs in the list and in the assets window, they are shown at last when I play back the playlist on my DVD player - in the preview everything is ok....

I think I could solve it by making a brand new project, but I don't want that if there is a way.




Steve Grisetti wrote on 6/3/2013, 7:34 AM
It may be an issue with your previously-prepared files.

If so, just do a Save As and save your project with a different name, then render new DVD files.
UlfLaursen wrote on 6/3/2013, 7:55 AM
Thanks Steve - will try that.

musicvid10 wrote on 6/4/2013, 8:25 AM
Not exactly to your issue, but --
DVDA 6 has a few issues, and no real advantages.
Suggest you work in DVDA 5.2 instead.