DVDA 7.0 not importing markers to chapters from Vegas Pro 13

JoeAustin wrote on 8/12/2017, 9:12 AM

Just purchased DVDA 7.0 (build 67) and I cannot seem to get it to import chapters from Vegas Pro 13 (build 545) and no matter what I do. Checked "save project markers" and insured that the .sfl file is created, same location, matches rendered video file, and still no luck. I have even created the chapter file with Ultimate S, and still unable to load chapters manually or automatically.

Sure, I can manually create them in DVDA, but I find this to be pretty painful on a long video.

Anyone else experienced this?



Arthur.S wrote on 8/12/2017, 12:32 PM

No answers unfortunately, but I stayed with 5.2 for just these reasons - all of the following versions seem to have problems, without bringing anything new or desirable to the party. Sounds like you've done everything right.

You could try changing the marker association to your audio file in the internal prefs?

JoeAustin wrote on 8/13/2017, 9:33 AM

No answers unfortunately, but I stayed with 5.2 for just these reasons - all of the following versions seem to have problems, without bringing anything new or desirable to the party. Sounds like you've done everything right.

You could try changing the marker association to your audio file in the internal prefs?

Thanks for the response. 6.X was definitely a wreck. As I just bought DVDA 7, I expect it to work as designed.

As for the marker association pref choice, I'll be darned if I can find that option?

Arthur.S wrote on 8/13/2017, 2:07 PM

Hold down the shift/Ctrl keys when you click on preferences. (under options) The internal tab will appear. In the search box type markers. "Media markers in video file" will show as TRUE. Change it to FALSE and it'll look for them in the audio file instead. Bit of a long story why I needed to do that.....


JoeAustin wrote on 8/13/2017, 4:43 PM


Arthur, thank you so much! This indeed fixed the issue, and I was able to load the markers. Yay!

Thanks for taking the time.


Arthur.S wrote on 8/14/2017, 11:47 AM

Glad it worked for you Joe. This at least tells you that you were doing things right, or the markers wouldn't have showed in the audio file either. May be one to send to Magix on a support ticket?

JoeAustin wrote on 8/14/2017, 11:51 AM

Glad it worked for you Joe. This at least tells you that you were doing things right, or the markers wouldn't have showed in the audio file either. May be one to send to Magix on a support ticket?

I had actually opened a ticket before I posted here. I will updated with your info. It does seem to be a bug of sorts. In any case, I've no doubt it has or will affect others.