DVDA 7 - Disc Causes Blu-ray player to crash near end of video

Andrew-Murchie wrote on 7/25/2023, 10:02 AM

A disc I authored in DVDA crashes about 30 seconds before the end of a video, on Sony Blu-ray Players. The player becomes completely unresponsive to the point it needs to be unplugged and completely rebooted. I've not heard back from anyone with other brands of player, although I plan to test on Panasonic shortly.

This has now been reported by two others who have the disc. The authoring is fairly simple - one video track (3d) one audio track, 3 menus - Main, Chapters and Bonus Features. At end of the sequence it has an end action set to go to another video. It was previously set to return to main menu but had a similar crash.

DVDA is set not to recompress the 3D video file as it is exported from Vegas as a ready to use 25Mbit .mvc file. It plays the whole way through just causing the crash near the end.

It appears to be a completely random fault, albeit it can be replicated. What can I do?


DMT3 wrote on 7/27/2023, 5:24 PM

I would guess it has more to do with the burner than DVDA. Do you have access to another Bluray burner?


EricLNZ wrote on 7/27/2023, 8:04 PM

a ready to use 25Mbit .mvc file. It plays the whole way through just causing the crash near the end.

Please clarify this. "mvc" file? Do you mean "avc" Does the Vegas exported file play correctly when played on your pc using a media player?

Andrew-Murchie wrote on 7/28/2023, 1:26 AM

I would guess it has more to do with the burner than DVDA. Do you have access to another Bluray burner?


This has happened on my Blu-ray Burrner as well as ones at the duplication plant.

Andrew-Murchie wrote on 7/28/2023, 1:30 AM

a ready to use 25Mbit .mvc file. It plays the whole way through just causing the crash near the end.

Please clarify this. "mvc" file? Do you mean "avc" Does the Vegas exported file play correctly when played on your pc using a media player?

Yes MVC/AVC (Blu-ray 3D video is encoded and stored as MVC (Multiview Video Coding). The AVC video stream contains the left eye video, and the MVC video stream contains the delta needed to create the right eye video.)

The video plays correctly on my PC.

DMT3 wrote on 7/28/2023, 11:20 AM

Is the plant creating the Blurays from a file or are they copying your disc?

Andrew-Murchie wrote on 7/29/2023, 4:29 AM

Is the plant creating the Blurays from a file or are they copying your disc?

They are burning them from an ISO file, so my burner is not involved. Also this has happened on more than one disc and on multiple different players - but it's not consistant, it is random, although if a particular disc/player combination has the problem it will have it consistently.