For those that have downloaded the Vegas Instructional Videos from Mobile Pro Video, what do you think so far? I'm specifically interested in feedback on Vegas Video Editing. Thanks.
If you haven't already, you might have a look at their video demonstrating Excalibur, available from their site. It's reasonable to think their Vegas 4 training is similar.
Also, while I have gotten a lot of positive comments on the on-line demo of Excalibur, I assure you that the instuctional videos will be more in depth and have tha added feature of my head talking to you (what a deal!).
Serioulsy though, I slammed the Excailbur demo together in a few hours, I have spent a couple of months producing the instuctional videos.
Gary Kleiner
Yes, the videos I'm referring to are from Gary Kleiner. I thought they were available to download now, but it looks like Vegas Video Editing will be released towards the end of this month.