EDL Convert Update available

axel wrote on 6/5/2003, 5:24 PM
Hi all,

we would like to inform the users here in this forum that we have just released an update for EDL Convert Pro. The new version is 3.0.3:

New in this version:
- adjustments for OpenTL
- compensations for format differences between Vegas 3 and Vegas 4 Text EDL: on systems that use the comma as its decimal parser incompatibilties could occur.
- Cool Edit Pro 2.1 support
- improved reading of Avid OMF files.

Supported formats are now: Vegas, Samplitude, Cool Edit Pro, Saw, Sawstudio, Wavelab, Sadie, Sonic Studio, AES31, Discreet edit, OpenTL and OMF.

We think that for everyone who needs to switch between different DAWs EDL Convert Pro can be *the* problem solver.

If you would like to try the demo:


Cui Bono Soft


SonyEPM wrote on 6/6/2003, 8:41 AM
New version works great Axel!
filmy wrote on 6/6/2003, 9:19 AM
Will you work on video conversion at some point? I have looked at this plug before and it looks freat but was wondering if it would ever include coversions from CMX, Grass Valley and the like to VV format and/or vice versa.
axel wrote on 6/6/2003, 7:31 PM
Currently we are supporting audio tracks only.
There were plans to include CMX, Grass Valley and Sony BVE, and we already had been working on that. We canceled implementation of those formats at a certain point of the devleopment and gave other formats priority.