Error Code at startup. Program won't load. HELP!!!

Saber wrote on 2/17/2003, 1:12 AM

I have installed a registered copy of DVD Architect 1.0.
It installed fine however when I go to load the program it comes up with the following error.
"The application could not start.
The default theme wasn't found. Please reinstall the application.
Error code: 0x80004005, startup code: 23."

I Have tried reinstalling the app, no luck.

I am running WIN Xp. Any suggestions would be great.



SonicBorr wrote on 2/17/2003, 12:54 PM

When you install DVD Architect, do you have full administrator privilages? Make sure that this is the case.

Also, check for the "themes" folder off of where the dvdarch.exe is installed. Is default.thm present? Also, is there a "_themes" folder? Is there a "default" folder inside the "_themes" folder?