External monitor - contrast increases when effect is enabled

Guy S. wrote on 4/29/2005, 11:59 AM
When viewing timeline on external NTSC broadcast monitor via DSR-30 DVCAM deck, the contrast changes dramatically when I apply and enable a color correction, black level restore, or broadcast color filter.

Even when color corrector is reset to zero, the contrast changes dramatically as I enable/disable the filter. With external monitor disabled, Vegas' monitor window shows no change in the image until I start manipulating the filter's image controls.



Marco. wrote on 4/29/2005, 12:06 PM
Does it also happen with other fx or only the one you mentioned above?

Guy S. wrote on 4/29/2005, 1:06 PM
Just tried it with Light Rays and Invert - same thing. Chose preset "Reset To None" on both effects. This turned the effect off, but the contrast level on the external monitor increased dramatically.

FYI, when I connect our Final Cut Pro HD system to the same deck, this shift does not occur. Also doesn't happen with Premiere Pro/Matrox x.100, so I suspect it's related to a setting in Vegas that I may have missed.

MH_Stevens wrote on 4/29/2005, 1:09 PM
i had same thing with auto levels when applying fx then resetting to none. rt click remove all fx got me bash to ground zero
Marco. wrote on 4/29/2005, 1:56 PM
So what codec do you use to decode your video?

Ensure it is Sony Pictures DV. In Option/Preferences - General tab "Use Microsoft DV" should be disabled and "Ignore Third Party Codecs" should be enabled.

Guy S. wrote on 5/9/2005, 4:50 PM
Ok, you are a genius.

I always capture with the MS DV codec for maximum compatibility with other apps. I just changed my preferences per your suggestion, and it works perfectly, even though the clips were captured with the MS DV codec.

This means that I'll be able to use Vegas to edit at least part of my curent project, which is very good news.


DelCallo wrote on 5/10/2005, 1:36 AM
"Ensure it is Sony Pictures DV. In Option/Preferences - General tab "Use Microsoft DV" should be disabled and "Ignore Third Party Codecs" should be enabled."

Are we talking about capturing or rendering, here?

I am trying to solve a very similar problem.

Thanks for your help.

DelCallo wrote on 5/10/2005, 1:39 AM
Also, is there a way to examine a rendered .avi file to determine what codec was used to render it?


rs170a wrote on 5/10/2005, 5:46 AM
...examine a rendered .avi file to determine what codec was used...
GSpot will give you all the codec info you're looking for.

ctrl-z wrote on 5/10/2005, 6:11 AM
Unless I'm missing something, Gspot makes no attempt to identify the codec initially used. It only identifies codecs on the system that can be used to playback.

AVIcodec (http://avicodec.duby.info/) identifies my files as having used a 'Sony Digital Video' codec. Unfortunately, it says this for a test file rendered from Premiere too.

So, neither of these apps will tell you what the actual codec was you rendered with. In fact, it looks like neither of them will even tell you what *type* (1 or 2) of DV you're dealing with.
farss wrote on 5/10/2005, 6:30 AM
Is there any metadata in an AVI file that will tell you which codec?
And as capturing only involves copying data from the tape the codec issue is meaningless with regards to a captured file. In fact if you captured a file in Vegas and rendered it out of PP without FXs it's still the exact same video as far as I know.

BTW, if you're having issues due to the type1,2 DV codecs Canopus have a very simple and free utility that'll convert several file formats. It doesn't change the encoding, just the file layout.
