Vegas 11, but I"ll bet this is the same with 17, 18. Even when changing the preference to "Make spacebar and F12 keys play/pause instead of play/stop", the Faderport still does the old "stop" thing whereby it returns to where the play head most recently was. I need to record VO from the booth, remote controlling vegas so I can punch in and out of record. -----I have Vegas 17, but this PC is not on a wifi network so I cannot use the Vegas Pro Remote app----but I can run a long USB cable into the booth. Has anybody gotten the stop button on the Faderport to behave more like a pause button?
When playing, if I hit PLAY again, it does pause. But I can't get it to pause when I come out of record. It always jumps back to the last playhead location.
jmm in STL