
scotty_dvc80 wrote on 10/12/2003, 10:54 AM
particle illusions or something like that. It is software that does just that.. I think thats the name of it.. They were giving it away for free in a magazine insert not too long ago.. Im sure someone around here can chime in with this info
Spot|DSE wrote on 10/12/2003, 11:30 AM
There is a veg file on the Sundance site, titled "RAIN"
Take that veg, increase the opacity of the media, and add white to it, and you'll be able to create a blizzard at any angle you wish
JL wrote on 10/12/2003, 12:44 PM
Sorry but I can't seem to find "RAIN" on the Sundance site. Can you point me to it? Thanks.
mjroddy wrote on 10/12/2003, 3:31 PM
PIllusion at
FadeToBlack wrote on 10/12/2003, 3:40 PM
JL wrote on 10/12/2003, 4:00 PM
Ok. Found the veg file and will give it a shot. Thanks.

JL wrote on 10/12/2003, 9:08 PM
Update - got the veg to work nicely with a little tweaking as suggested. Not sure exactly what I did but it is now close to the effect I wanted.

Also, I checked out Particle Illusion - it looks impressive - likely a bit sophisticated for my present needs; maybe for a future project. Thanks for the suggestion.
randy-stewart wrote on 10/13/2003, 1:27 AM
Cool effect. First time I've played with that. How do you slow down the noise...put in a velocity envelope? I should note that I'm trying to make it snow at Pearl Harbor Hawaii for a unit Christmas party. Please excuse the ignorance.
JL wrote on 10/13/2003, 7:26 PM

To get a more 'snow-like' effect, i.e., slower particle movement with more random pattern, I adjusted the SF Noise Texture settings as follows:

Noise style: changed to marble light grain
Number of layers: 3.730
Keyframe 1:
Freq X = 8.06
Freq Y = 1.95
Offset X = 1.01
Offset Y = 0
Progress = 1.85
Noise Parameters: min = 0.0, max = 0.2, bias = 0, amplitude = 2.0, gain = 1.0

Keyframe 2 (9 seconds after keyframe 1):
Freq X = 8.89
Freq Y = 3.34
Offset X = 0.0
Offset Y = -5
Progress = 5.46
Noise Parameters:(same as keyframe1)

Not perfect, but these settings give pretty nice results on two B&W still images I'm using it for and when combined with pan/crop motion the still images could 'almost' pass for motion video (kind of cool effect for stills anyway). The event has to be rendered to see the effect properly.

I haven't gotten acceptable results yet applying to motion source footage but will keep playing with it. This is the first time I've used media generator and noise texture and don't fully understand how it all works yet.
randy-stewart wrote on 10/13/2003, 9:25 PM
Thanks Jlul. I've played with it also and can't seem to get it right. Will try the above settings. Much mahalo (many thanks).
randy-stewart wrote on 10/15/2003, 12:37 AM
Just uploaded a clip using the snow effect to the Chienworks site. I'll post the link as soon as Kelly loads it. The basic link to gallery is:
When it appears it will be under the name stewartr002-snow1. Thanks for the help. I've much to learn.
Winterlover wrote on 12/10/2003, 1:17 PM
Is there a chance that I could have a look at the veg file "snow-test6.veg " that was mentioned at the:
"" discussion
I totally missed this tread and I have been thinking how to create snow myself this weekend when it was snowing outside. Seems like some people got hold of the veg file, but now the web page that jlul provided is down. My e-mail is: larss [ at ] if someone would like to share it directly.
I am still a beginner Vegas user so it would be useful to have a look.

JL wrote on 12/10/2003, 5:20 PM
The link to snow-test6.veg (from Chienworks vidshare) has been restored.

Winterlover wrote on 12/11/2003, 2:38 AM
Thanks, I think this effect is just great, especially for this season.
TorS wrote on 12/11/2003, 2:57 AM
I've learnt something here. Took jlul's settings (above) and tweaked further. Slowed it down (by the offset values) added one track and made it fall at an angle to the first (still by offset values). It looked good. I used pan/crop to make the flakes bigger.
The thing about snow is that there are thousands of types. Combined with thousands of types of wind and temperature you have quite a few variations. One thing is very common though: When you look at falling snow, the flakes that are 1m away do not fall the same way as the ones 5m away and further. (They can do, of course, when there is no wind at all.) On the other hand, whenre there is wind they may not fall at all, just whirl around in different directions.
Another thing is that falling snow - like fog - dramatically reduces how far into the distance you can see. So if you really want to fake it, use a background shot with little depth.
Anyone have ideas for reducing depth in existing shots?
Summersond wrote on 12/11/2003, 10:43 AM
Tors, what if you pulled the picture into PSP8, selected some of the background picture and blurred it. It is fairly easy to do in PSP.

fayengineer wrote on 6/10/2004, 2:38 PM
what is the address to the sundance media site? Also, how do I get the audio key(the key in which it was recorded in ) to show up on the audio clip?
lba1214 wrote on 6/11/2004, 7:31 AM
I can't find this file on sundance. Can you provide a link?
Winterlover wrote on 6/11/2004, 7:43 AM

The discussion was on the vidshare site the link is above in a previous message
Massimo Rossi wrote on 6/12/2004, 5:07 AM
WOW !!! A great snow effect !!! Very very good !!