Fast switching between tracks

megamind wrote on 5/25/2003, 11:58 AM
I want to make some fast switching between two videos. I have 2 videos on 2 different tracks, and now I want the first video to be visible for 2-3 frames, and then the second video visible for 2-3 frames, and so on. The only way I would know to do this would be to use the composite faders on both tracks and put in thousands of points with 100% and 0% on them. But imagine how long this would take on a 5 min video. So I hope theres a better solution on this?


JonnyMac wrote on 5/25/2003, 12:46 PM
A very creative Vegas user [L. Disney] on the DMN Forum shared a trick where he creates a black PNG and a clear PNG, names them sequentially, then imports them as a sequence that can be stretched on the timeline. Then, he parents his upper video track to the PNG sequence which creates a very quick switch between the two tracks.

If found that using a white PNG and a clear PNG (you can create with a graphics program like Paint Shop Pro) are easier to deal with.
Udi wrote on 5/25/2003, 12:54 PM
You can write a script.
FadeToBlack wrote on 5/25/2003, 3:28 PM
megamind wrote on 5/25/2003, 6:15 PM
yo, thanks a lot for the help, Im gonna check this out tomorrow. sounds great.
dlmorel wrote on 5/25/2003, 6:55 PM
That was both cool and fun! :-) And it worked perfectly! :-)