I am in the process of moving. I have some old files on some FAT32 firewire only formatted hard drives that I wanted to keep. I thought I would quickly copy the files before I sold or gave away the drives. I tried copying using my only firewire computer, an old P4. Since the P4 hadn't been used since the last time I was capturing HDV, it needed some Windows updates. I set up the copy and was copying away but ever few minutes Windows would go into this thing where it was going to reboot to finish installing some updates unless I hit the "reboot later" option. After several times of hitting "reboot later", I stopped the copy and let it reboot. The computer crashed as it was shutting down. I restarted the computer, and now that firewire drive is reading as unformatted. I would like to recover the files, but I'm in the middle of moving and really don't have time to mess with it. I am walking on a few inches of adreneline right now I am so frustrated. Anyone know of a quick solution for recovering fat 32 files of a corrupted drive?
Fat 32 corrupted disk recovery?
wrote on 7/25/2012, 11:01 AM