A friend of mine gave me this 5MB AVI that he wants some work done on. It plays fine in Media Player but when I load it in Vegas it looks and renders like this. Any thoughts?
That clip (716x603 pixels, Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec V2) has major problems when seeking randomly or stepping backwards, but plays fine if all frames are visited, from start to end. We'll have a look at it here to see if there's a bug in the video reader. Q: What program rendered the file?
In the meantime, here's what I recommend:
1) Go into project properties, use the "Match Media Settings" button to match your project settings to the video.
2) Load the video onto the timeline.
3) File > Render As, "Default (uncompressed)" to make an uncompressed copy of the file.
4) Use the rendered file in your project instead of the original.