FlashMob Youtube posting

warriorking wrote on 12/17/2010, 4:33 PM
Hey everyone, finally uploaded the Recent Christmas Flashmob that I was requested to do, Used 3 camcorders, the Sony AX2000, and a Canon HG21, and HG10...since the shoot was on the fly a buddy of mine was supposed to run the HG21 on a monopod so he could be mobile and still keep an eye on the Hg10 on the tripod, since I was located on the next floor below..He however spent more time filming the scenery than the action on the floor which limited me to only 2 cameras most of the time...anyway most of the footage is from the AX2000 mounted on a spiderbrace...The customer was quite pleased with the finished product...I however will learn to do better and use someone a little better on a camera in the future....All footage was edited and rendered with Vegas Pro 10...


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