for all you blind people who don't like the small
fonts...just use html font size tags at the beginning and end of your
posts. hope i didn't just cause mayhem...
people could really ABUSEthis type of
sloppy programming.
i have a dell 4100 P933 with pyro 1394 card .. i'm using
maxtor 80gig drives... have 80gig on secondary as master ,
have PCI ata 100 card with 2 80 gigs as master on each
channel, & have 80gig firewire drive ... it all works ..
just about out of HD space ,about to get another 80gig
firewire drive ..
i do NOT record or render to firewire drive, i
record/render to internal drives then transfer files to
firewire drive...
win2k assigned 7 devices to share IRQ 9 a few times that i
captured to firewire drive windows shut down saying
something about IRQ ?? overload ??
chris talsness wrote:
>>i am running vegas audio on a new dell pIII 866. does
>>anyone have any suggestions as to what kind of external
>>drive i should record to? has anyone out there had
>>with a firewire hd on a PC?
>>thank you