
Jonathan Neal wrote on 5/25/2008, 7:17 PM
What's wrong with YouTube? They host higher quality videos now, with stereo audio and dynamic aspect ratios.
ushere wrote on 5/25/2008, 9:36 PM
revver, vimeo, etc.,

what do you want from the site?

i use vimeo since i think they have a cleaner (encoder) pic and no intrusive advertising. both vimeo and revver will let you embed video in your own site. pretty nifty really....

MUTTLEY wrote on 5/26/2008, 3:31 AM

"Whats wrong with YouTube?" lol

Just my vote for Vimeo, love the site, great community, and amazing quality.

- Ray
Some of my stuff on Vimeo
Sebaz wrote on 5/26/2008, 6:29 AM
Vimeo is by far my favorite.
fishbelt wrote on 5/26/2008, 7:33 AM
Here is another site
Cliff Etzel wrote on 5/26/2008, 8:05 AM
Citizen news organizations like The UpTake are using I think the interface is much cleaner than some of the other free offerings.

Cliff Etzel - Solo Video Journalist
bluprojekt |
dfred wrote on 6/3/2008, 11:14 AM
Thanks for all the info. Since I originally posted I've been quite busy and haven't had time to check any of these sites but will in the near future. I had thought of YouTube but wanted to get input about other sites as well.

By the way, for those of you who have followed my many posts about a graduation video I tried to make, it was a hit. I made a 35 minute highlight video of my son for his graduation party. I'm not sure which was easier, making the movie or hosting 90 people for his party! But folks loved the movie. Thanks to everyone who helped answer questions about that, too.