GPU Render Question

MUTTLEY wrote on 12/19/2011, 10:39 PM

So I just had a nightmare trying to render a two minute video. I have GPU enabled and have a 3 Gig GeForce GTX 580 and made sure it was enabled in the render page as well. I was getting crashes so trying to see what was going on I had task manager open and a GPU monitor. While rendering the cpu usage just kept going up and up to 9,000,000k yet the GPU was barely moving, dont think it got higher than 6%. Beyond that it also just "seemed" slower than usual.

Now I'm kinda dumb with this kinda stuff but um, can this be right?

- Ray
Underground Planet


Guitartoys wrote on 12/19/2011, 11:09 PM

You might want to check to be sure you are running the latest video drivers.

When I first started to play with GPU assist I found it was actually running slower.

I loaded new drivers and bang, much faster. Render test went from 3:30 to 34 secs.

But note, I have never seen the GPU utilization over 35%

If you are running SLI I have found that in some cases rendering uses both GPU and others only one. It also seems like in some cases if I do not have SLI enabled I get better processing. Still trying to sort it all out.

MUTTLEY wrote on 12/21/2011, 1:27 PM
So I'm doing a selective pre-render as an mxf and its a whole different world. GPU is bouncing around 50% while the process tab in Windows is only listing Vegas at around 693,872K, a FAR different story than before.

Could it be something about rendering mp4s?

- Ray
Underground Planet
Guitartoys wrote on 12/21/2011, 10:49 PM

I am finding different formats use the gpus totally differently and the CPUs differently too. I just haven't gotten a handle on it yet.

I have in fact found bluray use of the GPU to be totally different than an mp4.