
Hans Nyberg wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:16 AM
Happy Birthday !!!, Grazie

Trichome wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:18 AM
Grazie wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:23 AM
Thanx Guys! - Don't tell everybody - but - 53 . .. didn't think I'd have got to 33! - HAHAHA!

Spot|DSE wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:25 AM
Happy B-Day, Grazie, may it be only one in a long succession of them.
richard-courtney wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:35 AM
Grey hair showing ol' man?

Happy Birthday, send us some video cake!
busterkeaton wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:38 AM

I've been inspired to make my first ASCII art. It was a beer, but the spacing collasped when I posted it.

Good on ya' mate. Have one on me. If you can find Brooklyn Lager or Brooklyn Ale in England, that one's from me. The brewery is four blocks from me. (I suspect it would be mighty hard to find though)

Stonefield wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:43 AM
Well Well !!!

Happy birthday young man !!!

It's 10:30 am here in British Columbia Canada so it'll be a few hours for me yet to tip a glass to ya.......but I certainly will...

Many many happy returns......

Grazie wrote on 9/4/2004, 10:53 AM
THNX again Guys .. and er . . Gals ? any in there . .? Many more goes down well for me too, SPOT!

The grey Hair IS giving way to . . .er . . SKIN!

. . . The Beer NY sounds great! . . .

Graham "Grazie" Bernard
busterkeaton wrote on 9/4/2004, 11:21 AM
Here's their website. This one is a particular favorite of mine, Pennant Pale Ale. Named after the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers who won the World Series.
MJhig wrote on 9/4/2004, 11:31 AM
Cheers Grazie!

Send Cash Only!

OK, gave it to one of your wayward chimps, he assures me it will get to where it belongs.

B.Verlik wrote on 9/4/2004, 11:37 AM
Have a very happy Birthday! What a succesful thread.
epirb wrote on 9/4/2004, 12:59 PM
Happy birthday Grazie, I'll raise a pint of Stella to you tonight!
Cheers Mate !
PAW wrote on 9/4/2004, 1:19 PM

All the best for the day Grazie.


MyST wrote on 9/4/2004, 1:29 PM
Happy Birthday, Grazie!!

I got you the same thing I got you last year, but in a different colour. Hope you like it.

AlexB wrote on 9/4/2004, 2:44 PM
Happy Birthday, Grazie, it's still another hour, glad that I saw it in time! May you age gracefully! (found no good translation for "Altere mit Würde!")
DGrob wrote on 9/4/2004, 3:21 PM
Grazie, HBTY, HBTY, HBDG, HBTY! Grobsie
rmack350 wrote on 9/4/2004, 3:25 PM
Happy Birthday Grazie!

I'll make a point of raising an Anchor Steam in your honor.


Rob Mack
MUTTLEY wrote on 9/4/2004, 3:43 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAZIE !!!! Hope ya had a good un' !!!

- Ray
farss wrote on 9/4/2004, 3:50 PM
someone OLDER than me (52). But you're right, I can still remember thinking that 30 was just too old to even think about.

Grazie wrote on 9/4/2004, 4:10 PM
Well Hello Boyz!

First OFF - KELLY you are WONDERFUL! Thank you very very much . . . what I superb Burfday Card! - Beautifully done . .. and yes i have tears down me chops! . . .

. . and to all yous posters - A BIG-TIME THANK YOU!

It's just gone 12:00mdnight . .. and have returned from an Indian meal with a couple of friends . ..

. . .. off to bed .. . BBQ tomorrow . . we've got an Uncle and Aunt from LA and I'm BBQing for 50 people . . .

wolfbass wrote on 9/4/2004, 4:55 PM

Your zest for life and wit brings a smile to lots of people on this forum on a regular basis. So happy birthday!

So how do you tell how old a pommie is?

Give him a bath and count the rings!

apit34356 wrote on 9/4/2004, 6:31 PM
Happy Birthday Grazie! Your humor adds alot to the Sony Forum. Hopefully your monkeys gave you a party before they went to ABC.
MoNa wrote on 9/4/2004, 7:07 PM
Happy Birthday!
The Indian dinner sounds great! That is what I would have done on my birthday too!

I have briefly read some forums lately as I have been struggling/ trying to get my new (lots of fans and
great case! machine going. Finally able to make dvds that play and print to tape hopefully without glitch in the audio. (Still not completely convinced on that though, print to tape was the last topic I had to refer to the forum to get some advise.)
Will make some notes to some of the posts about getting a new deck. My camera Sony DCR VT 900 could not work with video capture and I was about to go get a cheap digital camera as a deck..sad situation. I want another good camera or good deck, not just something to solve a print to tape problem.
Then I went to the Sony Store and got a SONY iLINK cable (firewire is standard, right?) and now my camera captures and print to tape far. My other two cables worked fine with everything else...So, that might be something for other firewire problems too.

Also learned to keep the device manager (WINDOWS + /BREAK > Hardware> Device Manager) open and look for the image device to show up before trying any capture.
Happy editing,

Have a good BBQ tomorrow, and thanks for the posts.