
ushere wrote on 12/8/2016, 7:41 PM

you can buy rolls of either paper or cloth green screen material easily on ebay - i'd avoid the cheap 'cloth' ones as they're usually folded (rather than rolled) and the creases NEVER come out ;-(

how are you intendo hanging / suspending it? if in studio you're probably better off painting and light a wall or cyc.

GregFlowers wrote on 12/8/2016, 9:06 PM

The best material I've ever used is flourescent lime green spandex. The pieces come in about 54 inch widths by however long you want. I sewed 2 pieces together and have a giant green screen that stretches to at least 12-15 feet wide. It takes minimal effort to light it. Easy to hang. Wrinkles stretch right out. It lights very evenly with diffuse shadows. I fold it up and store it in a box. Material is readily available on Amazon, Ebay, or local fabric stores. I would avoid the cheap green muslin cloth like Ushere said.

Adi-W wrote on 12/9/2016, 1:46 PM

how are you intendo hanging / suspending it? if in studio you're probably better off painting and light a wall or cyc.

It will could be used anywhere, so portability is a must.

I sewed 2 pieces together and have a giant green screen that stretches to at least 12-15 feet wide. It takes minimal effort to light it. Easy to hang. Wrinkles stretch right out.

GregFlowers, does the sewing leave a line that could be problematic ? I did look on Ebay, Amazon, an did not find specificaly spandex qualified as fluorescent. The best I could get was these two :

Did you have still a alive link of where you did get your own "fluorescent" spandex ?

Thanks both for your help !

GregFlowers wrote on 12/9/2016, 3:13 PM

I sewed it together with fluorescent green thread I got at Joann's fabric I think. No problem with the line. Sewed it by hand. Took a little while but I'm not much of a seamstress. Someone with a sewing machine and the skills could do it in minutes I'm sure. I purchased the fabric off of ebay from lycra4sale. Called Neon Green Lycra.

GregFlowers wrote on 12/9/2016, 3:32 PM

Those pieces are actually 60 inches (5 feet) wide and stretch a lot - at least 40-50% of the original. Get about 10-12 yards of it, cut it in half, sew it together, and you'll have a giant greenscreen that will have no wrinkles if stretched out requiring minimal additional lighting to properly key. You may have to come up with a good method to hang it stretched out. I put grommets in mine and can stretch it on a giant collapsable PVC frame. If I were to do it again I would probably just sew some fabric strips or loops into it rather than use grommets.

jkerry wrote on 12/9/2016, 6:43 PM

Check out Digital Juice, they offer a complete green screen kit that comes with green material for video and stills plus the stands to go with it.


Anyone has some experience with green screen and could recommend me a good and affordable one (maybe around 12 by 12 or 12 by 20) that I can buy on Amazon or other? It could be used mostly with solo musicians or singers.

Thanks !


Adi-W wrote on 12/10/2016, 2:20 PM

Thanks again GregFlowers for all of these detailed explanations, this seems to be exactly what I was looking for. I contacted the seller to check if he could get 12 yards. I hope so because I will need it before Christmas!

  Jeff, thanks for the link but it's a little bit beyond my budget for now.