Hard drive speed test?

Bjorn_Lynne wrote on 2/19/2003, 8:36 AM
A few years back I used a program to test the speed of my hard drives, so that I could decide which one was best to use for streaming multiple audio tracks etc. I think I downloaded this little speed test utility from the Cakewalk site, but I can't find it now. Does anybody know of such a utility that works on WinXP?

Bjorn Lynne


morphx wrote on 2/19/2003, 12:14 PM
I really like this one:
roger_74 wrote on 2/19/2003, 3:09 PM
Yes, that's one of the very best. But you can't use the demo on NT/2000, the full version (for all Windows OS's) costs about $50 i think.
Rednroll wrote on 2/19/2003, 8:43 PM
You could try using my test. Keep "duplicating" tracks in Vegas, Arm them all for Record and let her rip. Solo 1 track and listen back for gapping or clicking. Wash/Rinse/Repeat. Change the default recording drive and run the test again. See which drive gives you the highest track count. This is a real world test that I feel you can rely on better then some program, doing read/write speed tests on a selected drive and let's you know what you can do within the application restrictions you're working in.
morphx wrote on 2/19/2003, 11:34 PM
I got it for "free" out of a promo CD! ;)
If it costs US$50.00 then its well worth it.