
Rob Franks wrote on 3/27/2011, 3:21 PM
If you're speaking of the MVC frame packed interlace that the TD10 uses for full resolution then the answer is no. At present there is NOTHING that will edit this... nothing to play it back either. It MUST be played back directly from the cam to your TV through HDMI.

I'm not sure if the TD10 is the same as the JVC cam... but I know the JVC 3D cam will output a lower (half resolution) Side By Side avchd 3D which is editable in Vegas. In fact, Vegas and Avid MC are about the only nle's that will fully handle SBS (full or half) at this stage of the game.

Hopefully someone will come up with some kind of MVC FPI editing solution soon.
John_Cline wrote on 3/27/2011, 5:08 PM
In the past, Vegas has supported new Sony camcorder formats when they are released. I'm confident that there will be a Vegas update to support the TD10 around the same time it is released.
Dave_OnSet wrote on 3/27/2011, 7:03 PM
Historically I think Vegas has always been one of the first NLEs to support just about any new Sony format, and with NAB just around the corner I would think it's a pretty good guess that we'll be seeing new formats shown at NAB and supported in the next Vegas version... Especially since Vegas is one of the most 3-D friendly NLEs.