HDV Reader & AVCHD

Cheno wrote on 8/18/2008, 9:23 PM
Anyone tried using AVCHD footage with the new HDV Reader patch? I patched Vegas a couple of weeks ago - just threw some AVCHD on the timeline and man, pixelation galore - looked like a tape from a cam with dirty heads - removed the HDV reader and voila, problem solved. Wondered if any one out there was seeing the same thing?


p.s. footage was from Canon HF100


FilmingPhotoGuy wrote on 8/24/2008, 1:34 PM
Yes I used the new HDV DLL and was'nt happy.so I went back to the older DLL. It did pixelate very much.

I see from other posts that you are using the Canon HF100. What is your workflow procedure to output to SD DVD. I have the HF10.
