HDV to WMV (XBOX 360) Rendering

Xander wrote on 1/17/2007, 5:32 AM
I work primarily in HDV using Vegas 7c. Rendering back to HDV - all looks great. When I try to render to WMV for playback on the Xbox 360, the video looks terrible. I have tried using the standard Vegas rendering templates: 720p30, 1080p30 - even created a 720p59.94. Problems I have found are:
1) In 720p30 or 59.94, video is jerky during panning, or sometimes moving objects tend to jump forward and backwards slighlty as they move.
2) In 1080p, the 1440X1080 (1.333 aspect ratio) is not recognised by the Xbox360 - also looks jerky.
Have tried various project settings, even de-interlace blend, etc. So far, nothing looks clean and smooth.
Does anybody have any experience in trying to get some quality WMV out of Vegas for Xbox360? Project / Render settings perhaps?

I stream from my PC upstairs to the Xbox 360 downstairs. Video looks Jerky on the PC upstairs as well, so it is not the network connection.


apit34356 wrote on 1/17/2007, 6:27 AM
The odds are that the DVD can not be read fast enough for 1080i or 1080p output. Try lowering the bandwidth on the template. I believe earlier in the year that a few posters had complained about vegas WMV rendering results, I have noticed a few problems too. I think the posters were suggesting using MS encoder directly, via MS movie maker or the MS media center.
Laurence wrote on 1/17/2007, 6:49 AM
Not to start a flame war, plain old m2t files burned on to a DVD-R play back wonderfully well on my PS3. I have to put them into a directory called "Video" but that is all.