
Jsnkc wrote on 9/7/2003, 9:19 PM
Order the training videos too from, they will arrive quickly and will get you editing in no time!
Rdavid wrote on 9/7/2003, 9:23 PM
I appreciate the quick post.. Does that package come with actual projects to work with so to get real time experience? Any more info would be appreciated. Thanks
Jsnkc wrote on 9/7/2003, 9:55 PM
No, there are no sample projects, but he does walk you pretty much all of the basics of Vegas. In all it is about a 6 hour training course, a must have for new Vegas users.
FadeToBlack wrote on 9/7/2003, 10:44 PM

In addition, check out Gary Kleiner's Vegas Video Editing:
A Quick-Start Guide to Sonic Foundry's Non-Linear Editing Software. He is a host on the Vegas COW forum. You can also find many veg files and tutorials at the Vegas COW forum by clicking on the large Vegas COW title at the top.

email Gary K at:

Rdavid wrote on 9/8/2003, 8:08 AM
Thanks for the info. will be sure to check out both