help! crooked graphics with .psd files?

Arks wrote on 8/19/2004, 9:59 PM

I was going to make some graphic backgrounds for a project, but they appear crooked on NTSC monitors. I made a few images in photoshop as 720 x 480 non-square pixels with transparent backgrounds. I then placed them in vegas and layered them. The main gradient background image is fine but has a barline on it from top to bottom of the frame. When I put another .psd file over it, with just text and a transparent background, it distors the bottom of the bar line, and makes it crooked. I tried this with the generated text and it makes a bulge at the end of the "sample text" on the .psd file as well. This is wierd...

What am i not doing right here? I'm either contstructing the .psd files wrong, or the files do not mix well. Any advice would be appreciated.


PS(also, the ntsc dv image files created by photoshop that I place into vegas do not completely fill the entire frame. They look ok on a small ntsc monitor, but when viewed on my 37" monitor, i can see a little bit of the background video bleed through. I'm doing something wrong here, just need a little help!)



StormMarc wrote on 8/19/2004, 11:31 PM
For graphic in Vegas you'll want to use 655x480. Another option for odd sized graphics is to go into the event tab and right click "match output aspect".

Arks wrote on 8/20/2004, 5:13 AM

Yes, I have to try that still. Now I understand why they want the specific size. So, in other words, using photoshop CS for the non-square pixel graphics in vegas really isnt that needed it looks like?